This study is an ecclesiological attempt to construct the theology of Youngsan. The significance of the author’s attempt lies in the fact that there is a scarcity of references to ecclesiology in the studies on Youngsan’s theology. For this study, the author will explore the validity of Youngsan’s ecclesiology through his sermons, writings, and research materials on Youngsan. The studies on Youngsan’s theological thought that the author analyzed can find four theological values: the idea of the Kingdom of God, theology of the Holy Spirit, social salvation theory, and contextual theology. It is necessary to examine how these contents relate to Youngsan’s ecclesiology, which is incorporated into the theological foundations of Youngsan’s ecclesiology, that is, the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, the Fivefold Gospel, and the idea of the Threefold Blessing. After discussing the theological significance of these four key ideas, the study identifies Youngsan’s ecclesiology as a koinonia community, a divine healing community, and a sharing community, drawing supporting materials from his books Theology of the Holy Spirit 『성령론』, The Fivefold Gospel and the Triple Blessing (『오중복음과 삼중축복』), and The Story of the Fivefold Gospel (『오중복음 이야기』) as the theological foundation for Youngsan’s ecclesiology. Since Youngsan’s concern was to provide biblical and evangelical answers to contemporary pain and suffering, his ecclesiology inevitably had to approach from a different perspective than traditional ecclesiology. Therefore, attempting to construct Youngsan’s ecclesiology through this study can be meaningful and valuable in theorizing Youngsan’s ecclesiology within this context and revealing the characteristics of practical Pentecostal theology.
Key Words
조용기, 교회론, 현재적 하나님 나라, 성령 동역론, 나눔의 신학, 상황화 신학, Yonggi Cho, ecclesiology, the present Kingdom of God, Holy Spirit partnership theory, theology of sharing, contextualized theology
A Lexical Semantic Study of Young-hoon Lee’s ‘Positivity’: Focusing on the Semantic Relationships between the Co-occurring Words 이영훈 목사의 ‘긍정’에 대한 어휘의미론적 연구: 공기 어휘(co-occurring word)와의 의미관계를 중심으로
A Lexical Semantic Study of Young-hoon Lee’s ‘Positivity’: Focusing on the Semantic Relationships between the Co-occurring Words 이영훈 목사의 ‘긍정’에 대한 어휘의미론적 연구: 공기 어휘(co-occurring word)와의 의미관계를 중심으로
This study views that it is necessary to reexamine the meaning of ‘affirmation’ at a time when anxiety and depression are becoming serious social problems, and is based on the ‘affirmation’ of Young-hoon Lee, the senior pastor of Yoido Full Gospel Church, who is regarded as an ‘apostle and messenger of Absolute Positivity’. In order to examine the various actual usage aspects of ‘affirmation’ depending on the context, this study analyzed not only the meaning of ‘affirmation’ itself in Lee’s discourses, but also the semantic relationship between ‘affirmation’ and its various co-occurring vocabularies in Lee’s discourses such as his sermons and interviews. The ‘affirmation’ in Lee’s discourse was expressed as ‘absolute affirmation’, and it can be seen that there is a significant change in meaning from the dictionary meaning of ‘absolute affirmation’, which is ‘recognizing that it is right without any conditions or restrictions’. Regarding the meaning of ‘absolute’ itself, the only difference was that the original meaning of ‘no conditions or restrictions attached’ was specified as [ - conditions of time and situation ], but in the case of ‘affirmative’, it is outstandingly different from the commonly used meaning. Namely, beyond the level of awareness related to the original ‘affirmation’, which is ‘thinking that it is in that way and acknowledging that it is right’, the discriminatory qualities of [ + dimension of words and actions ] and [ + creativity ] are Lee’s ‘affirmation’. Furthermore, the meaning of ‘affirmation’ was expanded linearly from positive thoughts to the level of creation that ultimately changes the world and achieves a holy dream through positive words and actions in Young-hoon Lee’s discourses.
Meanwhile, when analyzing the semantic relationship between ‘affirmation’ and its co-occurring vocabularies, ‘hope’, ‘joy’, ‘progress’, ‘stepping forward’, and ‘dreaming’, they appeared synonymously. Unlike ‘optimism’ and its similar words represented only positivity itself, Lee’s ‘affirmation’ was analyzed as a discriminatory quality that distinguishes [ + belief in God’s character and ability ] and [ + the grace of being saved and becoming a child of God is so great ]. Also, the opposite relationship of ‘affirmation’ was expressed in Lee’s discourses as ‘negative thoughts, disbelief / resentment, complaints, excuses / destruction’, which is related to the three dimensions of ‘affirmation’, namely ‘perception / words and actions / creation’. Overall in Young-hoon Lee’s discourses, not only was the meaning of ‘affirmation’ expanded multi-dimensionally, but the inverse relationship between ‘affirmation’ was also multi-dimensional, forming a corresponding structure with ‘affirmation’ in the discourse.
Key Words
의미관계, 공기 어휘, 절대긍정, 의미자질, 의미 확장, semantic relation, co-occurring word, absolute positivity, semantic feature, semantic expansion
A Study on the Therapeutic Intercontact Points of Jaspers’ Existential Philosophical Counseling and the Wounded Inner Child: Focusing on Existential Elucidation and Pastoral Counseling 야스퍼스의 실존철학상담과 상처 입은 내면아이의 치료적 상호접촉점 연구: 실존해명과 목회상담을 중심으로
A Study on the Therapeutic Intercontact Points of Jaspers’ Existential Philosophical Counseling and the Wounded Inner Child: Focusing on Existential Elucidation and Pastoral Counseling 야스퍼스의 실존철학상담과 상처 입은 내면아이의 치료적 상호접촉점 연구: 실존해명과 목회상담을 중심으로
Contemporary people are suffering from various mental pains. Among these mental pains, those that do not accompany distinct physical symptoms such as anxiety, emptiness, meaninglessness, and worthlessness, are defined by Jaspers as a ‘philosophical illness.’ Since the cause of philosophical illness is the absence of philosophy, Jaspers presents philosophizing―self-reflection―as a healing method, and proposes ‘Periechontology’ and ‘Existential Elucidation’ which are different from traditional psychotherapy methods. The wounded inner child is one of the representative philosophical illness that contemporary people experience. Bradshaw argues that if you do not properly take care of your wounded inner child in childhood, various problems will occur even after adulthood. Therefore, this paper applies Jaspers’ existential philosophical counseling to the treatment of the inner child and examines its points of intersection with existing treatment methods. In addition, pastoral counseling and existential philosophy counseling have something in common from the perspective of soul care and transcendence. Therefore, this paper also comparatively analyzes the therapeutic contact points with the wounded inner child from the perspective of pastoral counseling.
In conclusion, this paper argues that Jaspers’ existential philosophy counseling, pastoral counseling, and traditional treatment methods for the wounded inner child share therapeutic intersections in terms of leading an authentic life and encountering the transcendent.
Key Words
상처 입은 내면아이, 철학적 병, 실존철학상담, 실존해명, 목회상담, wounded inner child, philosophical illness, existential philosophy counseling, existential elucidation, pastoral counseling
The Korean War and the Migration of Christianity to Busan: Focusing on Scale 6·25 전쟁과 기독교의 부산으로의 이동: 규모를 중심으로
The purpose of this study is to organize the scale of the migration of Christianity to Busan during the Korean War. Previous studies on Christianity and Busan during the Korean War have treated the migration of Christianity to Busan in a superficial manner. It is thus necessary to clarify the scale of this migration more precisely. To this end, this study first addresses the migration of Christian headquarters. During the Korean War, Busan, which became the temporary capital, hosted major denominations such as the Presbyterian Church, Methodist Church, and the Holiness Church, as well as seminaries that had taken refuge there. The early general assemblies of each denomination were held exclusively in Busan.
The migration of Christianity to Busan can also be examined from the perspective of Christian refugees. During the “1·4 Retreat” of 1951, a large number of South Korean Christians flocked to Busan. Based on historical sources, this study estimates that the number of Christian refugees in Busan reached a maximum of 35,000, which later decreased to around 19,000 following the dispersal of refugees to Jeju Island and Geoje Island in 1951. Busan served as the center of Christianity due to the establishment of temporary headquarters of major denominations and the significant number of Christian refugees until January 1951. The methodology of this study includes literature review and sample survey.
The migration of Christianity to Busan will be organized by referring to general assembly minutes of the denominations, Christian newspapers, and personal autobiographies. Since there are no accurate statistics on the number of Christian refugees, no one has been able to provide a comprehensive overview of them. This study estimates the number of Christian refugees based on samples.
Key Words
피란 수도 부산, 기독교, 기독교 피란민, 6·25전쟁, 총회 본부, 표본조사, provisional capital Busan, Christianity, Christian refugees, Korean War, denominational headquarters, sample survey
Seeking Innovative Mission through University Chapel in the Post-Christian Era 탈 기독교 시대, 채플을 통한 기독교 대학의 혁신적 선교 방안 연구
The purpose of this paper is to explore alternative ways to effectively reach students who participate in chapel with critical thinking about Christianity. Only 25% of the students who participate in the chapel conducted by this researcher are Christians. In the second half of the paper, it is explained in detail through figures and tables. In terms of the religious distribution of the respondents, the average percentage of respondents was 25.77%, followed by 4.04% Catholic and 3.13% Buddhist, and 67.06% of others, including non-religion.
It provides a justification for a major change in mission strategy for non-Christian students who participate in chapel. The chapel became not just a place of worship for young Christians, but also a mission field for non-believers. Christian history already has the infrastructure to build new leadership in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, but the problem is that there are very few leaders in charge of the mission of the academy and there are no pastors who specialize in apologetic preaching. As the grievances and anguish of the chapel workers, whose mission is to “make disciples of all nations” (Mt 28), deepen, we see a scene where there is no clear alternative. We need to move away from the traditional oratory-centered preaching system and be able to reach out to non-Christians through new media and contents as Christian cultural workers. This researcher has set the base of the new Salvation Ministry as a general university established in the spirit of Christianity. Specifically, it focused on a general chapel for non-Christians, which all students are required to attend. If there is a positive shift in the perception of evangelism and Christianity among non-Christians, it will be possible to expand and develop a broader mission strategy for the unreached, including the next generation.
Key Words
전도 대상자, 비기독교인, 기독교 일반대학, 채플, 문화 사역, evangelism targets, non-Christians, general Christian universities, chapel, cross-cultural evangelism
A Study of Gwangju Spirit and the Spirit of Modern Faith in Yangnim-dong 광주 정신과 근대 양림동의 신앙 정신에 관한 연구
Gwangju Spirit is historically rooted in the ‘righteous spirit’ (resistance and reform), which has fought against injustice, such as the Donghak Peasant Movement of 1894 during Chosun Dynasy and the May 18 Democratic Uprising in 1980. The spirit of Gwangju is the culmination of the following spirits: ‘artistic spirit’ (harmony), the ‘poong-ryu spirit’ (leisure and style), the ‘spirit of equality’ (weness), and the ‘spirit of integration and harmony spirit’ (sangbusangjo), based on rich culture, including pansori and namdo folk songs, and a strong sense of community. When these spirits met with Christianity, they formed a unique spirituality. That is Kenosis and Diakonia. Therefore, this paper aims to show that the active and practical type of spirituality was mainly manifested in the figures centered in Yangnim-dong, Gwangju, which is the spirit of modern faith in Yangnim-dong. They are Lee Sejong, Lee Hyun-pil, Elizabeth J. Shepping, Huntley, Kang Soon-myeong, Choi Heung-jong, and Cho Ara, who were based in Gwangju, Honam, and Yangnim-dong, respectively. Yangnim-dong, where they were active, can be characterized as follows: firstly, a healing space of love, devotion, and coexistence; secondly, a space that brings modernity in Korea back; and thirdly, a symbolic space as a religious, cultural, and artistic village. Here, the persons showed both vertical and horizontal spirituality, and realized active and practical spirituality by putting love of God and love of neighbors into practice. To prove above, the author uses Philip Sheldrake’s typological methodology categorizing spirituality as ascetic-monastic, mystical, active-practical, prophetic-critical.
Key Words
광주 정신, 근대 양림동의 신앙 정신, 능동적-실천적 영성, 예언자적-비평적 영성, 케노시스와 디아코니아, Gwangju Spirit, the spirit of modern faith in Yangnim-dong, the active-practical Spirituality, the prophetic-critical Spirituality, Kenosis and Diakonia
The Sacramental Dimension and Symbolic Exchange in Preaching: An Integrative Study of Louis-Marie Chauvet’s Theology and Paul Scott Wilson’s Four-Pages Sermon Structure 설교의 성사적 차원(Sacramental Dimension)과 상징적 교환(Symbolic Exchange): 루이-마리 쇼베의 설교 신학과 폴 스콧 윌슨의 네 페이지 설교 형식의 통합적 탐구
The Sacramental Dimension and Symbolic Exchange in Preaching: An Integrative Study of Louis-Marie Chauvet’s Theology and Paul Scott Wilson’s Four-Pages Sermon Structure 설교의 성사적 차원(Sacramental Dimension)과 상징적 교환(Symbolic Exchange): 루이-마리 쇼베의 설교 신학과 폴 스콧 윌슨의 네 페이지 설교 형식의 통합적 탐구
This study aims to explore the sacramental dimension and the concept of symbolic exchange in preaching based on the homiletics theology of French theologian Louis-Marie Chauvet and the Four-Pages sermon structure of homiletician Paul Scott Wilson. Furthermore, by integrating the two theories, the author explores the possibility that preaching can develop beyond the simple transmission of information or doctrinal content into a symbolic event. Meanwhile, Wilson’s Four-Pages sermon structure systematizes the sermon into four key steps (pages), providing a methodology for the preacher to first raise a problem discovered in the biblical text, connect the biblical text with the problems of the contemporary congregation, present the gospel, and guide the congregation practice the gospel in their lives. In addition, through an integrated analysis of these two theories, this paper presents a sacramental framework in which the preacher symbolically conveys God’s grace through the biblical text and the congregation can practically experience that grace. In conclusion, this study emphasizes the sacramental dimension in preaching and provides a specific methodology for how the preacher can effectively convey God’s grace and how the congregation can practically respond to that grace.
Key Words
설교 신학, 성례전적 설교, 루이-마리 쇼베, 폴 스콧 윌슨, 설교자의 영성, theology of preaching, sacramentality preaching, Louis-Marie Chauvet, Paul Scott Wilson, preacher’s Spiritual formation
영산신학저널 제70호 Contributors(printed in order) 영산신학저널 제70호 논문 게재자 주요 경력(게재순)
70(0) 239-244, 2024
영산신학저널 제70호 Contributors(printed in order) 영산신학저널 제70호 논문 게재자 주요 경력(게재순)
DOI: Vol.70(No.0) 239-244, 2024
Key Words
영산신학저널 제70호 : Published English Contents 영산신학저널 제70호 : 2025년 『영산신학저널』 논문 투고 안내
70(0) 245-245, 2024
영산신학저널 제70호 : Published English Contents 영산신학저널 제70호 : 2025년 『영산신학저널』 논문 투고 안내