Youngsan Theological Institute of Hansei University

Youngsan Theological Institute of Hansei University

Guidelines on Article Submissions to JYT

1. Dates of Issue and Submission Deadlines
Issue Language Date of Issue Submission Deadline
Spring Korean March 31 December 31 of the Previous Year
Summer Korean June 30 March 31
Fall English September 30 June 30
Winter Korean December 31 September 30
2. Qualification for submission: A current student of a doctorate degree (Ph.D./Th.D.) or higher, interested in the other fields of Christian theology as well as Youngsan theology, the Pentecostal theology, or a theology on the Holy Spirit
3. Contents of manuscript

The manuscript has not been published previously, in part or in whole, in English or any other language, except as an abstract, part of a published lecture or academic thesis.

4. File formats and font: an electronic file (MS Word or rich text format) single-spaced, using size 12 Times New Roman font
5. Length of the Manuscript: (A4 15~17 pages) 6,000~8,000 words
  • ― including footnotes, bibliography, abstract, 5~7 keywords
  • ― Abstracts should be less than 250 words.
6. Compositions for article submission: follow the instructions on article submission carefully
  • 1) Title of the Article (English & Korean)
  • 2) Author’s Information: name, institutional affiliation and position, major, e-mail address (English & Korean)
  • 3) Abstract (English & Korean): about 1/2 page of A4 (less than 250 words)
  • 4) Footnotes (Accurate citations)
  • 5) Bibliography (include page numbers for citing articles)
  • 6) Keywords: 5-7 words in English and Korean
  • 7) Structure: Title, abstract, 5~7 keywords, body (I. Introduction, II. ..., III. ..., IV. ..., V. Conclusion), Bibliography, Korean title, Korean abstract, 5~7 Korean Keywords)
  • 8) Page limit: 15-17 pages (A4)
  • ※ Citations of articles from the Journal of Youngsan Theology (JYT) recommended.
7. Submission: Via email( or JYT online submission system( See the manual for article submission.

JYT uses online submission only. However, foreign authors can send the manuscripts via email; the researcher of YSTI can register them on behalf of authors. Authors should send the information requested for registering via email (author’s name, date of birth, institutional affiliation and position, major, address).

8. There are no submission fees. The copyright of the published article is owned by the institute, and the submitted materials will not be returned.
9. Contact for information:

Pastor Song, Kyounghee, Researcher in Charge of Publication / +82-31-450-5371