Youngsan Theological Institute of Hansei University

Youngsan Theological Institute of Hansei University


Rev. Youngsan Yonggi Cho has been ministering for more than half century preaching hope in Jesus Christ. His ministry with this focused message can be summed up in the forms of the Five-Fold Gospel, the Three-Fold Blessing, and the Fourth Dimensional Spirituality.

Started with humble tent in Daejo-dong, Seoul Korea, his ministry has been expanded domestically as well as globally. Youngsan Theological Institute (YSTI) at Hansei University is the anchor research institute for studying his theology and ministry to provide a leading theological platform for the world Christianity.

Dr. Sangjoon Choi

We look forward to making a great contribution to the development of spirituality and theology for pastors and theologians around the world by holding an international symposium and by publishing journals along with seminars and classes.

The grace of God through Jesus Christ in empowering Holy Spirit has been the mainstay for our institute in the past three decades. I earnestly pray that the works of the institute will glorify God and help His church to grow for now and for the decades to come.

Dr. Sangjoon Choi
Director of Youngsan Theological Institute