Youngsan Theological Institute of Hansei University

Youngsan Theological Institute of Hansei University

Youngsan Theological Institute Instructions for Submissions

Article 1 (Purpose)

This instruction is to standardize the formats and citations of the articles submitted for publication at the Journal of Youngsan Theology by Youngsan Theological Institute (hereafter ‘institute’).

Article 2 (Method)

  • 1. The article shall be submitted through the online submission system (JAMS, found at the institute’s website (
  • 2. The article may be in either Hangul or MS Word format.

Article 3 (Contents)

  • 1. Manuscript submission in Korean shall have the following five elements:
    • a. Title (Korean, English)
    • b. Name of the Author (Korean, English)
    • c. Keywords (Korean, English)
    • d. Bibliography and citations (including page numbers)
    • f. Abstract (Korean, English)
  • 2. Manuscript submitted in English shall also have the five elements listed above in English.
  • 3. The author’s name shall be entered into the online submission website, but it shall not be written in the article for anonymous examination.

Article 4 (The Article)

  • 1. The Manuscript shall be in Korean or in English that has not been published in any other scholarly journals.
  • 2. The submitter shall consider and reflect research previously done by the Journal of Youngsan Theology.
  • 3. The Manuscript shall aim to integrate other research, and it shall be related to Youngsan Theology, Full Gospel Theology, and/or Pentecostal Theology.
  • 4. The Manuscript shall refer to ancient languages (Hebrew, Greek), but the words may be transliterated.
  • 5. Numbering shall be in the following order: I, II -> 1, 2 -> 1), 2) -> (1), (2) -> ①, ②.

Article 5 (In-text block quotes, footnotes and bibliography)

  • 1. Refer to <Table 1> for citing books and Bible verses.
  • 2. Refer to <Table 1>for citing biblical references within the text.
  • 3. The article shall use footnotes, but the use of endnotes and parenthetical citations are prohibited. Refer to <Table 2> for footnote format.
  • 4. The bibliography shall be limited to the sources mentioned in the body. Refer to <Table 2> for formatting the bibliography.

Article 6 (English Abstract)

  • 1. (Content and Structure) The abstract shall introduce the purpose of the article, utilized research methods, research content, and the significance of the research.
  • 2. (Word Count) The word count shall be limited to 200-300 English words.
  • 3. (Title and Author) The title of the article and the author’s name shall be included. (See below)

Reverend Yonggi Cho’s Kingdom of God

Kim, Hee Sung

Article 7 (Keywords)

There shall be 5 keywords, both in English and Korean.

Article 8 (Page Limit)

The article shall be limited to 15-17 pages including the required pages apart from the body. (See <Table 1> and <Table 2> for details.)

Article 9 (Writing the Article)

  • 1. Title
  • 2. Author (Name, organization, major, etc)
  • 3. Korean Abstract: ½~1 A4 page. Introduction shall begin on the following page.
  • 4. Body: The article shall follow the following order: I. Introduction, II. Body 1, III. Body 2, VI. Conclusion.
  • 5. Keywords: A Korean keyword shall be listed first, then the English keyword shall follow after it. For database index, more than five words can be listed.
  • 6. Bibliography: Refer to <Table 2> for formatting.
  • 7. English Abstract: The English abstract shall be 200-300 words in length along with the name of the author.

Supplementary Provisions

  • 1. Anything not explained in the regulation shall comply with the convention.
  • 2. The regulation shall enter into force upon the approval of the Editorial Committee and the Executive Committee.
  • 3. This regulation shall enter into force on September 1, 2005.
  • 4. The revised regulation shall enter into force on June 4, 2011.
  • 5. The revised regulation shall enter into force on June 8, 2012.
  • 6. The revised regulation shall enter into force on May 28, 2013.
  • 7. The revised regulation shall enter into force on February 18, 2016.

<Table 1>

1. Details

  • 1) Font
  • (1) Font Style (Korean, English): Batang
  • (2) Font Scale: 100%
  • (3) Font Spacing: 0%
  • 2) Paragraph: Spacing 160%
  • 3) Numbering shall follow the following order: I, II -> 1, 2 -> 1), 2) -> (1), (2) ->①, ②.
  • 4) Font Size
  • (1) Roman numerals (including the introduction, conclusion, and subtitles) shall be font size 12.
  • (2) Everything shall be in font size 10, except in-text quotations and footnotes.
  • (3) In-text quotations: font size 9, 20 points for side margins, with no indentations or double quotes (“ ”). Emphasis may be added and words may be quoted by using single quotes (‘ ’).
  • (4) Semi-colon ( ; ) shall be used when two or more quotations are used.
  • 5) Page Margins
    • (1) Top, bottom: 15.0
    • (2) Left, right: 25.0
    • (3) Header, footer: 15.0
    • (4) Indentation: 10.0

2. Format for in-text Biblical References

  • 1) The Bible should be quoted in the New Korean Revised Version. It should be noted any time a different version or one’s own translation is used.
  • 2) In-text biblical references should be formatted as follows:
    • (1) In-text biblical references shall not abbreviate the book name.

      Let us compare the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke on their teachings on wealth.

    • (2) Chapters and verses in the text shall be formatted as follows:

      Matthew 1:1-17 records the genealogy of Jesus Christ.

      Luke 4:18-19 is a reference to the writing of Isaiah.

      (two or more consecutive verses shall be connected by a hyphen ‘-’.)

    • (3) It shall be formatted as follows whenever a chapter or verse is omitted:

      John 17 is about Jesus’ prayer.

      Verse 17 noted above is as follows:

    • (4) Parenthetical biblical references (abbreviations for books names) shall be formatted as follows: (Connect two or more consecutive verses with a hyphen ‘-’)

      We must bear the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:16-24).

      The passage that shows Paul’s anger (Gal 3:1-2) is ...

    • (5) Abbreviations for each of the books in the Bible cited in the body of the article should follow <Table 3>.

3. Block Quotations for Biblical References

  • 1) Block quotations for Biblical references are formatted the same way as block quotes of other sources (Except that it cites the chapter and the verse).

    Abraham was commanded by God to sacrifice his son Isaac as a burnt offering:

    Some time later God tested Abraham. He said to him, “Abraham!” “Here I am,” he replied. Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you” (Gn 22:1-2).

  • 2) A Biblical reference that is not block quoted should be connected by a colon ( : ) followed by double quotation marks (“ ”).

    Abraham was commanded by God to sacrifice his son Isaac as a burnt offering: “Some time later God tested Abraham. Sacrifice him there ...” (Gn 22:1-22).

  • 3) Connecting Bible verses
    • (1) 2 verses: verses shall be connected by a hyphen ‘-’.
      Matthew 5:23-24

      ※ When there are two verses in the parentheses ( ): connect with a hyphen ‘-’.


      If one sees “to those sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be his holy people, together with all those everywhere who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Cor 1:1-2) ...

    • (2) When there are three or more consecutive verses: connect with a hyphen ‘-’ (same if the reference is in parentheses).
      Matthew 10:1-3 (Mt 10:1-3)
    • (3) When the verses are in the same chapter: connect with a comma ( , ) (same if the reference is in parentheses).
      Genesis 1:17-18,27,30 (Gn 1:17-18,27,30)
    • (4) If the verses are in different chapters: connect with a comma( , ) and give one extra space (same if the reference is in parentheses).
      Genesis 2:1-2, 3:1 (Gn 2:1-2, 3:1)
    • (5) If the verses are in different books in the Bible: connect with a semi-colon ( ; ) and put one extra space (same if the reference is in parentheses).
      Genesis 1:1-2; Matthew 2:1-2; (Gn 1:1-2; Mt 2:1-2)

4. Books and Terminology in the Text

  • 1) Follow <Table 2> for footnote format.

<Table 2>

I. Korean Journals

1. Footnote format

  • 1) All articles (including non-Korean articles) and sermons shall be marked with “ ”. Periodicals, journals, and Korean books shall be marked with 『 』. English books shall be italicized. Databases and newspapers shall be marked as , or English.

    Korean: 『Books and Journals』,, “Articles and Sermons”

    English: Books and Journals, Databases and Newspapers, “Articles and Sermons” Other foreign languages: As it is

  • 2) When using a foreign language, translate it into Korean or leave as it is.

    1) 『The Christian Faith』 is ...

    2) 에드먼드(Edmund) writes in his book Christianity that ...

    3) W. Gesenius says in his work Handwörterbuch über das Alte Testament that ...

  • 3) When citing the same article or book consecutively:

    When the pages are different: Ibid., 33


    When the pages are same: Ibid.

  • 4) When citing an article or book of the same author non-consecutively:
    • (1) Article: Author, “Title of Article”, page.
    • (2) Korean book: Author, 『Book Title』, page.
    • (3) Non-Korean book: Author’s last name, Book Title, page.

    1) 조용기, 『4차원의 영적세계』, 125.

    2) Lee, The Cross, the Root of Full Gospel Faith, 46.

    ※ op. cit. are not used. .

  • 5) Citing an article
    • (1) Journal, Article
      • ① Korean : Author, “Article Title”, 『Journal』 Issue number (year): page.
      • ② English: Author, “Article Title,” Journal Issue number (year): page.

      1) Keith Warrington, “제 4차원, 말씀과 성령님”, 『영산신학저널』 Vol. 18 (2010): 43.

      2) 홍길동, “영산 조용기 목사의 성령론”, 『영산신학저널』 제1권 제4호 (2004): 68.

      3) 요한 베커 크리스찬, “바울의 묵시문학의 도전”, <**대학교 하기 신학세미나 강의집> 2 (1982), 46.

      4) 홍길동, “Dr. Yonggi Cho’s Theology of ‘Good God,’” Youngsan International Theological Symposium, (2005), 20.

      • (2) Dissertation (Masters, Doctorate)
      • Name, “Dissertation Title” (Major, Masters/Doctorate Dissertation, Institution, year) page.
      • (Same format shall be followed for both Korean and non-Korean dissertations. Foreign language shall be written as is.)

      1) 홍길동, “교회와 세상과의 관계성” (선교신학 박사 논문, 한세대학교, 2008), 20.

  • 6) Citing booksp
    • (1) Korean: Author name, 『Title』 (Published location: publisher, year), page.
    • (2) Non-Korean: Author name, Title (Published location: Publisher, year), page.
    • [Example]

      1) 서중석, 『복음서 해석』 (서울: 대한기독교서회, 1991), 234-37.

      2) 김동수, 류동희, 『영산 조용기 목사의 삶과 사상』, (서울: 킹덤북스, 2010), 333.

      3) Daniel J. Harrington, The Gospel of Matthew (Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1991), 80.

    • (3) When citing books that are the same but are published on different dates, the year published shall be written without the name of the publisher, except for the book that is published with the earliest date.
      The book with the earlier published date shall be cited as: Author, 『Title』, page. / Books published later shall be cited as: Author, 『Title』 (year), page.

    1) 조용기, 『성령론』 (서울: 서울서적, 1993), 25-30.

    2) 조용기, 『성령론』 (서울: 서울말씀사, 2004), 25-30.

    3) 조용기, 『성령론』, 53.

    4) 조용기, 『성령론』 (2004), 53.

  • 7) Citing edited/translated books

    1) International Theological Institution ed., 『The Faith and Theology of Yoido Full Gospel Church』 (Seoul: Seoul Seojuk, 1993), 243-311.

    2) J. Rodman Williams, 『Pentecostal Systematic Theology』 Book 3, Park, Jungryul, Lee, Younghoon trans. (Gunpo: Sunshin University Press, 1995), 322.

    3) Paul Tillich, 『The Christian Thought』 Song, Kiduk trans. (Seoul: Seogwangsa, 1998), 34.

    4) Gyungjae Kim, “Spirit of Life, the Status Quo and the Expansion”, 『Holy Spirit and Spirituality』International Theological Insitution ed. (Seoul: Seoul Malsumsa, 2001), 44-45.

  • 8) Citing sermons
    • (1) Preacher, “Sermon Title”, Title of Service (year, month, date).
      ※ When citing different sermons by the same preacher, cite the preacher once, and connect with a semi-colon ( ; ).
    • (2) Cite at least either the “Sermon Title” or the Title of Service.

    1) Cho, Yonggi, “Heaven and Hell,” Sunday Service(2003.11.23).

    2) Cho, Yonggi, “Heaven and Hell,” Sunday Service(2003.11.23); “Four Steps that Bring Miracles,” Sunday Service (1983.1.9).

    3) Cho, Yonggi, New Year’s Service(2005.1.4).

  • 9) The use of references, Cf., and cf.
    • (1) Reference: Use in Korean footnotes.
    • (2) Cf.: Use in non-Korean footnotes (when used at the top of the footnotes).
    • (3) cf.: Use in non-Korean footnotes (when used in the middle of a sentence).

2. Bibliography

  • 1) Korean sources shall be cited first, then the non-Korean sources.
  • 2) Sources cited in the footnotes shall be listed in the ascending alphabetical order for both Korean and non-Korean sources.
  • 3) As opposed to footnotes, non-Korean authors shall be written with their last names first, followed by a comma ( , ) and the first name.
  • 4) As opposed to footnotes, periods ( . ) shall follow after names and titles of articles/books instead of a comma ( , ). For books, publishers and other information shall be written without parentheses.
  • 5) When listing works of the same author, use seven underscores (   ) to show that it is the work of the same author. The sources shall be listed in the ascending order of the published date.

Seo, Jungsuk. 『Interpreting the Gospels』. Seoul: Daehan Gidok Seohwe, 1991.

_______. 『Interpreting the Pauline Epistles』. Seoul: Daehan Gidok Seohwe, 1998.

R. P. Menzies, “Reverend Yonggi Cho’s Theological Understanding of Humanity: Implications in the Translation of the New Testament.”

『Journal of Youngsan Theology』 Vol. 11 (2007): 31-54.

Paul Pillich, 『The Christian Thought』 Song, Giduk trans. Seoul: Seogwangsa, 1998.

Cho, Yonggi. “The Universal Event on the Cross.” Sunday Sermon (2002.5.12).

Dunn, J. D. G. “Spirit-Baptism and Pentecostalism.” STT 23 (1970): 397-407.

Harrington, Daniel J. The Gospel of Matthew. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1991.

II. Non-Korean Journals

1. Citing on Footnotes

All book and journal titles that are not in Korean shall be italicized.

  • 1) When citing the same article or book consecutively:


    Ibid., 210.

  • 2) When citing an article or book of the same author non-consecutively:

    Author’s last name, “Article Title,” 90.

    Author’s last name, Title Headword, 224.

  • 3) When citing an article or dissertation:

    1) Jung Sik Cha, Confronting Death: The Story of Gethsemane in Mark 14:32-42 and Its Historical Legacy (Ph.D. diss. The University of Chicago, 1996), 55-57.

  • 4) When citing a book or a translated book:

    1) Daniel J. Harrington, The Gospel of Matthew (Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1991), 50.

    2) Duranno, ed., “A Beginning Interview,” Ministry & Theology (Oct. 2009): 28.

    3) G. Bornkamm, G. Barth, and H. J. Held, Tradition and Interpretation in Matthew (London: SCM Press, 1963), 106.

    4) Krister Stendahl, “Biblical Theology, Contemporary,” IDB, Vol. I (1962): 418-32.

    5) H. S. Bae, “Theology of David Yonggi Cho as a New Theological Paradigm of Korean Theology for the New Century,” David Yonggi Cho: A Close Look at His Theology & Ministry, W. Ma, W. W. Menzies and H. S. Bae, eds. (Baguio: APTS Press, 2004), 161-77.

    6) Brevard S. Childs, “Reflections on the Modern Study of the Psalms,” Magnolia Dei: The Mighty Acts of God: Essays in Memory of G. Ernest Wright, F. M. Cross, W. E. Lemke, and P. D. Miller, ed. (Garden City: Doubleday, 1976), 77-90.

  • 5) When citing a sermon:


    1) Yonggi Cho, “The Lord,” Sunday Sermon (2001.3.18).

    2) Yonggi Cho, “Oh! The Cross,” Sunday Sermon (2002.12.1); “The Cross and the Resurrection,” Sunday Sermon (2009.10.11).

2. Formating the Bibliography

It shall be formatted the same way as a Korean article.


Abbreviations for the books in the Old and New Testaments
Old Testament New Testament
Korean English English Korean English English
Abbrev. Abbrev.
창세기 Genesis Gn 마태복음 Matthew Mt
출애굽기 Exodus Ex 마가복음 Mark Mk
레위기 Leviticus Lv 누가복음 Luke Lk
민수기 Numbers Nm 요한복음 John Jn
신명기 Deuteronomy Dt 사도행전 Acts Acts
여호수아 Joshua Jo 로마서 Romans Rom
사사기 Judges Jgs 고린도전서 1 Corinthians 1 Cor
룻기 Ruth Ru 고린도후서 2 Corinthians 2 Cor
사무엘상 1 Samuel 1 Sm 갈라디아서 Galatians Gal
사무엘하 2 Samuel 2 Sm 에베소서 Ephesians Eph
열왕기상 1 Kings 1 Kgs 빌립보서 Philippians Phil
열왕기하 2 Kings 2 Kgs 골로새서 Colossians Col
역대상 1 Chronicles 1 Chr 데살로니가전서 1 Thessalonians 1 Thes
역대하 2 Chronicles 2 Chr 데살로니가후서 2 Thessalonians 2 Thes
에스라 Ezra Ezr 디모데전서 1 Timothy 1 Tm
느헤미야 Nehemiah Neh 디모데후서 2 Timothy 2 Tm
에스더 Esther Est 디도서 Titus Ti
욥기 Job Jb 빌레몬서 Philemon Phlm
시편 Psalms Ps(pl. Pss) 히브리서 Hebrews Heb
잠언 Proverbs Prv 야고보서 James Jas
전도서 Ecclesiastes Eccl 베드로전서 1 Peter 1 Pt
아가 Song of Songs Sg 베드로후서 2 Peter 2 Pt
이사야 Isaiah Is 요한일서 1 John 1 Jn
예레미야 Jeremiah Jer 요한이서 2 John 2 Jn
예레미야애가 Lamentations Lam 요한삼서 3 John 3 Jn
에스겔 Ezekiel Ez 유다서 Jude Jude
다니엘 Daniel Dn 요한계시록 Revelation Rv
호세아 Hosea Hos
요엘 Joel Jl
아모스 Amos Am
오바댜 Obadiah Ob
요나 Jonah Jon
미가 Micah Mi
나훔 Nahum Na
하박국 Habakkuk Hb
스바냐 Zephaniah Zep
학개 Haggai Hg
스가랴 Zechariah Zec
말라기 Malachi Mal
* This table is from the Chicago Manual.

Supplementary Provisions

  • 1. This regulation shall enter into force upon the approval of the Executive Committee of Youngsan Theological Institute.
  • 2. This regulation shall enter into force on September 1, 2005.
  • 3. This revised regulation shall enter into force on June 4, 2011.
  • 4. This revised regulation shall enter into force on June 8, 2012.