The purpose of this study is to historically analyze the attitudes and results of Korean Christianity toward Joseon’s marriage culture. While some researchers focused on attitudes, they were not interested in how the premodern marriage culture was historically transformed within Korean churches. Therefore, this study will examine how Christians respond to Joseon’s marriage culture from a historical point of view.
Missionaries strongly objected early marriage, concubinage and trading marriage, and showed the attitude of transformation and adaptation to arranged marriage. Their will to transform Joseon’s marriage culture, which was built on the basis of missionaries, turned out to bear fruits. Since 1890s, there have been people who gave up their concubines due to catechism and church members’ standards. Since the early 1900s, there have been cases of giving up their concubines due to the influence of the revival movement. From 1920s, a clear self-expression of the marriage of Christian women was discovered. Christian women also strongly opposed to marry a non-believer, and eventually married a Christian man.
Key Words
조선의 결혼 문화, 기독교, 세례문답, 부흥 운동, 자기 결정권, marriage culture in Joseon, Christianity, catechism, revival movement, self-determination
A Study on the Compatibility of Predestination and Human Will 예정과 인간 의지의 양립 가능성에 관한 소고
This study attempts to understand the compatibility between predestination and human will from a soteriological perspective in connection with the principles discovered by quantum physics. Historically, in exploring the biblical revelation concerning predestination and human will, humans have failed to overcome the limitations of perception regarding dimensions. However, with the development of modern science in the 20th century, principles of the created world which can overcome the limitations of such perception are being discovered. Contrasting concepts with the mechanistic and predictable approaches of classical physics, modern physics emphasizes uncertainty, unpredictable phenomena, the complexity of biological systems, and accidents and statistical interactions, highlighting that God’s created world is a multidimensional, interconnected, dynamic system. From the past to the present, theological thinking has understood predestination and human will in terms of cause-and-effect relations, that is, in terms of classical physics. However, the newly discovered principles of the created world seem to cautiously suggest that the differences in traditional theological perspectives were due to ignorance.
In order to narrow theological differences between predestination and human will, this study first discusses independence and compatibility between the high-dimensional act of predestination and the lowdimensional event of human will, through an understanding of the multidimensionality of the created world. Second, it argues that through an understanding of the temporality between dimensions, each act is justified and linked to a complementary relationship. Third, it discusses the dimensional heterogeneity of these two acts that are connected through Jesus Christ in the quantum physical principle of superposition and entanglement. As a result, the sovereign, transcendent act of God’s predestination and the finite act of human will, which have been a subject of theological debate, are no longer opposing actions, which are due to human ignorance of the principles of creation, but an event that is bound to be justified at each dimension, and that God has communicated to humans within the principles of His created world.
Key Words
예정, 인간 의지, 양립 가능성, 양자역학, 초끈이론, 상보성 원리, 양자 얽힘, predestination, human will, compatibility, quantum mechanics, superstring theory, complementarity pinciple, quantum entanglement
Seeking Positive Theology for Social Salvation in the Era of Denial: Focusing on Rev. Younghoon Lee’s Absolute Positive Notion 부정(否定)의 시대 속에서 사회구원을 위한 긍정 신학 모색: 이영훈 목사의 절대긍정(絶對肯定) 사상을 중심으로
Seeking Positive Theology for Social Salvation in the Era of Denial: Focusing on Rev. Younghoon Lee’s Absolute Positive Notion 부정(否定)의 시대 속에서 사회구원을 위한 긍정 신학 모색: 이영훈 목사의 절대긍정(絶對肯定) 사상을 중심으로
In order to discuss the positive theology for social salvation in Christianity, this study regards the contemporary period as an era of denial, concentrating on negativity from two aspects. First, as for the social aspect, influences of postmodernism and deconstructionism have brought about injecting the idea of denial into society as a result of the pursuit of post-ideological ideas for denying absolute ideologies. Second, within Christianity, the theological themes from the post-liberation period to the 1990s focused predominantly on rather heavy and serious subjects such as the Crucifixion event and Eschatology on account of the Fall. Subsequently, it has led to theological reflections to counter the negative perception against Christianity in society as a whole. Thus, this study seeks to explore the values of social salvation that overcomes these two negative backgrounds through the notion of “Absolute Positivity” advocated by Rev. Younghoon Lee.
In recent years, Christianity’s interest in social salvation has been aimed at building wholly the ‘Kingdom of God’ mentioned in the Bible. The issue has become more controversial as a result of a growing theological awareness that the salvation God seeks to achieve is not a narrowly personal salvation for humans only, but a broader, cosmic salvation for the entire creation. Therefore, it is necessary to provide theological and pastoral proposals based on the Bible for the social salvation that contemporary Christianity should pursue and establish according to God’s will.
Therefore, this study examines the reality of the theological thought and ministry of absolute positivity presented by Rev. Younghoon Lee as it develops toward social salvation in the present and the future. Through this, it can be derived that the spiritual principles of absolute positivity notion are thoroughly grounded in the theology of positivity based on the Bible. As a result, Rev. Younghoon Lee provides a theological foundation for not only personal sanctification but also social salvation through the absolute positive notion, which is urgently needed in the era of denial and through pastoral application at the level of practical theology, he presents a vision of God’s Kingdom that will be sustainable in the future. Accordingly, this study anticipates a wide range of theological developments and pastoral challenges toward social salvation in contemporary Christianity in the era of denial.
Key Words
사회구원, 이영훈, 부정의 시대, 절대긍정, 오중긍정과 삼중훈련, 작은 예수 운동, 사랑 나눔 운동, Social Salvation, Younghoon Lee, the Era of Denial, Absolute Positivity, Fivefold Positivity and Triple Training, Little Jesus Movement, Love Sharing Movement
A Spatial Analysis of Churches by the Concept of Rhizomes: Centered on the History of Church Architecture and Modern Space Composition 리좀 개념을 통해 조명한 교회의 공간 구조: 교회의 건축 양식 역사와 현대적 공간 구성을 중심으로
A Spatial Analysis of Churches by the Concept of Rhizomes: Centered on the History of Church Architecture and Modern Space Composition 리좀 개념을 통해 조명한 교회의 공간 구조: 교회의 건축 양식 역사와 현대적 공간 구성을 중심으로
In the rapidly changing environment of the 21st century, rhizomatic theories and methods, which emphasize horizontal relationships and interaction while respecting the diverse subjectivities of individuals, are gaining renewed attention in the study of church architecture and space composition. As originally developed by Gilles Louis Rene Deleuze and Pierre-Felix Guattari, rhizome theory refers to a horizontal system of thinking, characterized by the principles of connection, heterogeneity, multiplicity, a-signifying rupture, cartography and decalcomania. The church, which has both a spatial meaning as a place to worship God and a communal meaning as a gathering of believers in God, has traditionally been divided into two types of forms: the longitudinally arranged type represents the former, while the centralized type stands up for the latter. However, modern churches that proclaim the meaning of the gospel in accordance with contemporary ideas and standards use arrangements characteristic of rhizomes such as the non-hierarchical arrangement of distributed space and loitering routes to enhance the sense of openness and communication with the local community. The task of these modern churches is to continually reflect on the external and internal spaces of churches, including but not limited to entrances, buildings, chapels, empty spaces, small group rooms, dining rooms, and rest areas, upon a solid foundation of both biblical teachings and communication with the contemporary world.
Key Words
리좀 개념, 질 들뢰즈, 피에르-펠릭스 가타리, 교회의 공간 구조, 교회의 건축 양식, 한국 교회의 공공성, concept of Rhizomes, Gilles Louis Rene Deleuze, Pierre-Felix Guattari, space structure of churches, architectural styles of churches, the publicity of Korean churches
A Study of the Points of Contact between Bion’s Therapeutic Relationships and Techniques and Christian Spirituality Seeking to as Letting-Be 비온의 치료적 관계와 기법, 그대로 둠을 추구하는 기독교 영성과의 접촉점 연구
A Study of the Points of Contact between Bion’s Therapeutic Relationships and Techniques and Christian Spirituality Seeking to as Letting-Be 비온의 치료적 관계와 기법, 그대로 둠을 추구하는 기독교 영성과의 접촉점 연구
In psychotherapy, theories or techniques alone cannot lead clients to transformation. Therapeutic relationships are the key to transformation. To become a competent psychological counselor, one must first have an established theory of psychotherapy, be trained therapeutic techniques, and have clinical confidence. In addition, he or she must have a wide range of clinical experiences over a long period of time. However, above all, one must study and train in the therapeutic relationships and their importance.
This paper examines the therapeutic relationships emphasized by Bion, namely the concept of the container-contained, becoming and the act of faith. And it studies the five therapeutic techniques and processes that Bion mentioned. Based on these techniques and attitudes, the counselor finally arrives at the selected fact. And the counselor-client reaches eventually a transformation through repeatedly confronting the selected fact on the basis of a therapeutic relationship.
The spiritual director-spiritual apprentice relationship is similar to that in psychotherapy. The two should have a holistic relationship that is a mutual indwelling, interpenetration, and intercirculation. This relationship lays the foundation for true transformation. Christian spirituality seeks relationships with objects. There is a mystery inherent in this relationship in which mercy, an attribute of God, dances.
There are many points of contact between Bion’s relaitonal concepts and Christian spirituality in their perspectives on relationships. This paper aims to explore the points of contact between Bion’s therapeutic relationship based on intersubjective relationship and Christian spirituality. It also examines how Bion’s therapeutic techniques and attitudes lead to transformation.
Key Words
W. 비온의 개념들, 치료적 관계와 기법, 상호주관적 관계, 신비, 선택된 사실, 그대로 둠의 영성, 기독교의 관계 영성, the concepts of Bion, therapeutic relationships and techniques, intersubjective relationship, mystery, the selected fact, Spirituality of letting-be, Christian Relational Sprituality
영산신학저널 제68호 88. Contributors(printed in order) 영산신학저널 제68호 논문 게재자 주요 경력(게재순)
68(0) 157-162, 2024
영산신학저널 제68호 88. Contributors(printed in order) 영산신학저널 제68호 논문 게재자 주요 경력(게재순)
DOI: Vol.68(No.0) 157-162, 2024
Key Words
영산신학저널 제68호 : Published English Contents 영산신학저널 제68호 : 2024년 『영산신학저널』 논문 투고 안내
68(0) 163-163, 2024
영산신학저널 제68호 : Published English Contents 영산신학저널 제68호 : 2024년 『영산신학저널』 논문 투고 안내