시편 2편의 기독론적 해석 및 영역본(1611년 이전)의 기독론 형성에 끼친 영향 Christological Interpretation of Psalm 2 and Its Influence on the Formation of Christology in English Bibles Prior to 1611
시편 2편의 기독론적 해석 및 영역본(1611년 이전)의 기독론 형성에 끼친 영향 Christological Interpretation of Psalm 2 and Its Influence on the Formation of Christology in English Bibles Prior to 1611
The aim of this paper is to propose that Christological interpretation of Psalm 2 since the New Testament era has significantly influenced theological understanding of English translations prior to King James Bible (1611). This paper will address three key questions: (1) How has Christian understanding of Christology been shaped by the Messianic interpretation of Psalm 2 throughout history? (2) How did earlier English translations before the KJB handle Christological aspect in Psalm 2? and (3) to what extent does Christological reading persist in the Psalms of the English Bibles? To answer these questions, I will conduct a historical review of the interpretations of the term “anointed.” Afterwards, I will exegete the Masoretic Text and examine the perspectives of LXX and various commentators from the early Church, Middle Ages, and Reformation periods concerning Psalm 2. Additionally, I will delve into selected English versions predating the KJB with respect to their Christological views implied in their translations of Psalm 2. This analysis will be conducted in relation to the verses that include Messianic connotations. Through this process, it will be demonstrated that the formulated and transmitted Christology in the English versions exhibits Messianic undertones in their translation of Psalm 2. This research will contribute to further examinations of the Christological influence of additional royal psalms on translations in English translations (or other translations) from specific time periods.
Key Words
Psalm 2, Christological reading of the Psalter, English Bible translation, the Messiah, the anointed, 시편 2편, 시편의 기독론적 해석, 영어 성경 번역, 메시아, 기름 부음 받은 자
영산 조용기의 사회구원을 위한 관계 공동체 분석 The Analysis of Relational Communities for Social Salvation by Youngsan Yonggi Cho
This article examines the significant role of relational communities, which are evident in Rev. Youngsan Yonggi Cho’s ministry, in achieving social salvation in the history of Korean Christianity. The paper aims to apply and expand it to future ministries based on this. The purpose of this paper is to examine Youngsan’s understanding of biblical relationship communities and his unique theological ideas on them, and consider expanding the specific relationship communities that Youngsan has developed for social salvation.
The triune God, who creates a relational community, is the origin of the human instinct to form relationships and live together. Relationality is not only revealed in the Bible, but it is also constantly proven in the various communities of Christianity throughout history. To be a true community church, there must be ‘Koinonia’ in that community, and only those communities that have ‘the communiion of saints’ can be called a true community church. Hence, the theology of community is the theology of koinonia, and the theology of koinonia can be defined as ‘the theology of union’ with God. This union encompasses both the vertical koinonia between God and man, as well as the horizontal community between man and man and the entire created world.
The current postmodern era, while claiming to value each individual, it is actually sick with a greater sense of emptiness than in previous eras. Thus, this paper asserts that the theology of relational community that Youngsan pursued is the most perfect community of all. Youngsan naturally formed a theology of relational community based on the good God, the threefold blessing, and the personal Holy Spirit, by applying the principles of relationality he learned from the Bible to his ministry. By connecting this to social salvation, Yoido Full Gospel Church was able to form a global relational community. Youngsan realized social salvation by starting with cell meetings and then expanding them to various social participation communities. This ultimately led to construction of the genuine kingdom of God. Therefore, this study contends that koinonia-based realtional community theology is a biblical principle that adequately implies sustainable continuity for future ministry.
Key Words
Youngsan, social salvation, relational community, cell worship, koinonia, holistic salvation, 영산, 사회구원, 관계 공동체, 구역예배, 코이노니아, 전인구원
4차 산업혁명 시대의 성령론적 인간론 Pneumatological Anthropology in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
The purpose of this paper is to provide a theological alternative that is based on Pneumatological anthropology to the challenge of a new human image in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is the opening of the era of omniscient, omnipotent, and immortal human beings emerging in a transcendent, supernatural, and hyperconnected world. Up until now, mankind has maintained a rational approach to thinking through reason, emotion, and will, which encompasses the realm of the flesh and the soul. The current human image trapped within the current material laws and principles cannot be used to approach or lead the surreal world of the future. The world of the future is the surreal world led by humans with superpowers. Thus, the future world will be governed only by the realm of spirit, which is located within humans. According to Youngsan, humans who are created in the image of God are made up of three parts: spirit, soul, and body. The human spirit is created by the Spirit of God and it is a location where one can have a spiritual connection with God. At the same time, it can be considered as a ‘vessel dedicated to God.’ When God begins to open the realm of the spirit, a huge transcendent reality of God’s kingdom will unfold among us.
Now is the time for humans to transform themselves into spiritual people of the spiritual world who can understand and accept the transcendent world beyond the realm of soul, where reason and rationality play a pivotal role, and the realm of the flesh, which is connected to the material world through the senses. The era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is transcendent and a world of superpowers. According to Youngsan, only spiritual human beings endowed with the Holy Spirit and born by the Holy Spirit are capable of producing transcendent power that cannot be explained by science, reason, or knowledge. In the future, humans like God and humans full of the Holy Spirit are likely to lead the world. This paper will argue that the only human being who can replace the mechanized or dehumanized ‘new human,’ who will lead the upcoming era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, is the spiritual human of the fourth dimension.
Key Words
Youngsan Yonggi Cho, Pneumatological anthropology, Fourth Industrial Revolution, transcendental humans, 4th dimensional spiritual world, Jesus Christ, 영산 조용기, 성령론적 인간론, 4차 산업혁명, 초월적 인간, 4차원의 영적 세계, 예수 그리스도
쾌락주의적 YOLO 라이프 스타일 탐색에서 현대 기독교 청년들이 직면한 도전과 과제 Exploring the Challenges Faced by Contemporary Christian Youth in Navigating the Hedonistic YOLO Lifestyle
쾌락주의적 YOLO 라이프 스타일 탐색에서 현대 기독교 청년들이 직면한 도전과 과제 Exploring the Challenges Faced by Contemporary Christian Youth in Navigating the Hedonistic YOLO Lifestyle
This study analyzes the ‘YOLO’ lifestyle (You Only Live Once) that is in vogue today, addresses the problems faced by Christian youth in such a culture, and discusses how the church can protect Christian youth and grow and mature their faith. In particular, through an analysis of the characteristics of the current youth generation and the impact of this lifestyle on Christian spirituality, the writer suggests how the church can support Christian leaders in a changed society by providing them with data to understand and help Christian youth to mature in their faith. This lifestyle, with its focus on instant gratification and indulgence, is not compatible with the ongoing commitment necessary for spiritual growth. The appeal of YOLO culture often leads young Christians to prioritize temporary pleasures over spiritual needs. The YOLO lifestyle can undermine commitment to spirituality and pose a threat to each youth’s direction and purpose in life. Christian youth should try to balance their physical and spiritual needs to overcome these obstacles. Strengthening their faith and developing discernment in navigating conflicting situations is of utmost importance. Christian communities play an important supporting role in these goals, and churches and spiritual disciplines can leverage social media to provide relevant resources. Moreover, young people can also establish their own organizations that promote mutual support and promote moral principles. Young people need the ability to exercise self-control against immediate needs and maintain a delicate balance between their faith and personal goals. Effective spiritual leadership, the use of technology, and the fostering of supportive communities requires collaboration between churches, leaders, and young people.
Key Words
YOLO, contemporary lifestyle trend, hedonism challenges, Christian youth, church’s role and responsibility, 욜로(YOLO), 현대 라이프 스타일 트렌드, 쾌락주의 도전, 크리스천 청년, 교회의 역할과 책임
본문이 이끄는 설교 관점에서 본 영산의 내러티브 설교 연구 An Analysis of Yonggi Cho’s Narrative Sermons Through the Lens of Text-Driven Preaching
Youngsan Yonggi Cho is generally regarded as a topical rather than textual preacher. However, this study argues that Youngsan reflects the text-driven preaching elements through his sermons, especially in his narrative style sermons. This study aims to provide Korean churches and Pentecostal preachers with a new perspective on Youngsan’s preaching by showing them the preaching elements that are guided by the text in Youngsan’s sermons. To this end, The writer analyzes Youngsan’s narrative sermons from four different perspectives: structure, exposition, application, and communication, and examines the preaching elements guided by the text in Youngsan’s sermons. This study reveals that Youngsan’s sermon has text-driven elements, and the writer hopes that the results and methodologies of this study will serve as a stepping stone to the success and development of the Holy Spirit movement based on the words of God.
Key Words
Yonggi Cho’s preaching, narrative preaching, text-driven preaching, preaching meth-odology, CHRIST model, 조용기 설교, 내러티브 설교, 본문이 이끄는 설교, 설교 방법론, 그리스도 모델