Changes in Christian Worship and Church Architecture in the World of Endemic COVID-19, and Suggestions from the Perspective of Practical Theology 위드 코로나 시대의 기독교 예배와 교회 건축의 변화와 실제, 그리고 실천신학적 제언
Changes in Christian Worship and Church Architecture in the World of Endemic COVID-19, and Suggestions from the Perspective of Practical Theology 위드 코로나 시대의 기독교 예배와 교회 건축의 변화와 실제, 그리고 실천신학적 제언
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the church. The number of people attending on-site worship services has decreased, which will consequently lead to a decrease in the number of church members. As on-site worship becomes difficult, worship using digital media has increased, with various programs being conducted online services. Church members have readily adopted online spaces as a parallel means of worship that coexists with face-to-face in person worship services, displaying less reluctance over time to using digital platforms and accepting the paradigm of a new place of worship services without restrictions of time and space. In line with these socio-cultural changes, the environment of ministry is also undergoing transformation, and a significant shift in perception is taking place in the fields of church architecture and worship spaces.
In church architecture, there will be more attempts to integrate the expression of various designs and methodologies with the concepts of universality, specificity, functionality, and aesthetics as articulated in critical regionalism. The use of digital media and the democratization of space can be expected to proceed ever more actively over time. The church will serve as a hub for various ministries and facilitate a common space for local communities. There is a growing tendency to use closed spaces more flexibly, rather than identify the church as the physical center of a region. These changes will aim for diversity over uniformity, with gradually increasing demand for media space. With these changes in mind, there is nevertheless a continued need for a visible space to serve as a spiritual center.
The language of church architecture during the era of endemic COVID-19 should be inclusive and open to communication. We look forward to a church and church architecture of the future in which grace, consideration, and hospitality could flourish.
Key Words
코로나19 팬데믹, 위드 코로나, 예배, 디지털 미디어, 교회 건축, 예배 공간, COVID-19 pandemic, world of endemic COVID-19, With COVID-19 Era, worship, digital media, church architecture, worship space
The Unforgivable Sin: A Biblical Interpretation of the Sin of Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit ‘용서받지 못할 죄’: ‘성령을 모독하는 죄’의 성서학적 해석
The concept that the Holy Spirit is the spirit of the One and Only God, and the God himself shared no disparity between Judaism and Christianity, between the Old and New Testaments, and before and after Pentecost. The Pentecostal experience of the Holy Spirit enabled the early Christian community’s proclamation of Christology that Jesus is the Son of Man, the Christ, and the Lord of the world. It was an event that quaked the monotheistic belief system that had been formed after the exile, and an event in which the early Christians interpreted a new way of God’s reign. As a result, a “binitarian worship” began to emerge, in which Jesus is both the Christ and the Lord to be praised together with God. This was because they believed that Jesus could not be identified with the “bestower of the Holy Spirit” unless he was God.
This “binitarian belief” was already implied in the actions of historical Jesus, so the Jews repudiated the kingdom of God that Jesus had proclaimed. According to Mark and Matthew, the rejection of the words and actions of the Son of Man on Earth can be forgiven because it precedes the incidents of his crucifixion and resurrection. “Unpardonable sins,” however, are the words and actions that defy the eschatological salvation of the Holy Spirit, which is being realized through the Son of Man.
The two phenomena, that is, rejection and acceptance of the kingdom of God were floated to the surface in Israel. The early Christian perspective that interpreted them was the “parable theory” of Matthew and Mark. Luke highlights the missionary context of the “confession and denial of oneself” that will be performed by the disciples who have embraced Jesus and the kingdom of God.
The process of the formation of early Christianity witnessed two critical turning points. One was the experience of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, “poured out” (sent) by the risen Lord, and the other was the separation from Judaism triggered by the demolition of the Second Temple. These two major events shaped the Christology of early Christianity, which in turn would have transformed the Jewish understanding of the Holy Spirit to structure a Christian pneumatology that was combined with Christology.
Key Words
오순절 신학, 초기 기독교 성령론, 용서받지 못할 죄, 성령 모독죄, 비유이론, Pentecostal Theology, early Christian pneumatology, unforgivable sin, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, parable theory
Homo Deus vs Imago Dei: A Theological Critique of an Anthropology of the Transhumanism 호모 데우스(Homo Deus)와 이마고 데이(Imago Dei): 트랜스휴머니즘의 인간론에 대한 신학적 비판
Theological interpretation, the application of timeless themes, and the direction of Christian education begins with human understanding. Posthumanism, a school of thought that reflects the representative human understanding of the 21st century that emerged against the backdrop of postmodernism, presents a new image of humanity utilizing science and technology. Posthumanism expresses a utopian optimism that emphasizes the possibility of progress beyond human limits, which was impossible in the humanistic era, by taking advantage of the steep development in science and technology. Transhumanism, which corresponds to radical posthumanism, actively pursues a human image enhanced by advanced science and technology. It aims to improve human beings and develops the human theory of Homo Deus, which states that human beings can become like God by uploading the human spirit, abandoning the body, and existing forever in the spirit. This is based on the premise of meta-humanism, which states that at a point of technological singularity in the future, artificial intelligence with super intelligence will be able to upload the human mind into a computer system and humans who exist in such artificial intelligence will become God-like beings.
In response to transhumanism, which focuses much on technological aspects and denies the Christian faith’s humanistic premise of centering the world on God as creator and sovereign over creation, it is human beings, created in the image of God, who use the innovations and advances of science and technology to fulfill their faithful responsibility to the created world. Humans utilize common grace to act as stewards of creation. It is also based on the special grace of redemption through Christ that enables us to overcome our fallen sinful nature. Therefore, the Christian faith affirms that the realization of true human existence lies not in human self-improvement and progress, but in restoring a relationship with God through the gospel of Christ. Based on the recognition of the Imago Dei that human beings were created in the image of God and are an irreducible unity divided into spirit and body, it is necessary to develop a comprehensive response to transhumanism in public theology, Christian ethics, and Christian education while maintaining a sense of balance in utilizing science and technology.
Key Words
호모 데우스, 이마고 데이, 휴머니즘, 트랜스휴머니즘, 포스트휴머니즘, 인간론, Homo Deus, Imago Dei, humanism, transhumanism, posthumanism, anthropology
This paper examines sanctification from a Trinitarian perspective, the theme of which has been an ongoing discussion in Christian theology. A holy life is a command and promise of God which all Christians must fulfill. We are called to a holy life and must live a such a godly life on earth. The theological and practical challenges of sanctification, however, prevent us from achieving holy lives. Emphasis on God’s grace weakens the believer’s responsibility and obligation to live a holy life. On the other hand, emphasis on the responsibility and obligation of the believer regarding a holy life removes the grace of God. Trinitarian sanctification is a theological alternative that can transform the relationship between God’s grace and the believer’s responsibility and obligation with respect to holiness into one of harmony and mutual benefits. If creation and salvation are the work of the Triune God, then sanctification can also be regarded as the work of the Triune God. Sanctification is the work of the Triune God acting on our behalf and in our midst. God the Father made a holy covenant with his people. The Son, Jesus Christ, came among us to fulfill the covenant of the Father, completely eliminating the problem of sin which interferes a holy life. Sent by the Father and the Son to make us holy, the Holy Spirit is now performing a sacred ministry among us.
Analyzing and criticizing various sanctification theories which have been argued in Christian history from a Trinitarian perspective, this paper aims to suggest the necessity of a balanced sanctification theory of the Holy Trinity by Youngsan Yonggi Cho. His sanctification theory can be summarized as follows: Based on completed Calvary ministry of the Son Jesus Christ, Youngsan’s argument on sanctification is a Trinitarian theory in which the binding covenant of God the Father is realized through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. In addition, Youngsan’s trinitarian theory enables Christians to lead a life of Christlikeness by filling the heart with the holy word of God through the 4th-dimensional spirituality with practical faith in the actual lives of believers, by envisioning the sanctification, and by anticipating and proclaiming in faith the completed ministry in Calvary.
Key Words
삼위일체, 성화, 4차원 영성, 완성된 갈보리 사역, 성령, Trinity, Sanctification, the 4th-Dimension Spirituality, Finished Work of Calvary, the Holy Spirit
An Analysis of the Messages from Missionaries to Korean Christians in Sermons by One Hundred Pastors & Teachers Vol. 1(1921) in the Early Years of Japanese Cultural Policy: Focused on the Sermons Written by Henry G. Appenzeller, Thomas Hobbs, Robert Knox, Bliss W. Billings, and James S. Gale 일제 문화정치 초엽 선교사들이 『百牧講演(第一集)』(1921)을 통해 한국 그리스도인들에게 당부한 메시지 분석: 아펜젤러, 홉스, 녹스, 빌링스, 게일을 중심으로
An Analysis of the Messages from Missionaries to Korean Christians in Sermons by One Hundred Pastors & Teachers Vol. 1(1921) in the Early Years of Japanese Cultural Policy: Focused on the Sermons Written by Henry G. Appenzeller, Thomas Hobbs, Robert Knox, Bliss W. Billings, and James S. Gale 일제 문화정치 초엽 선교사들이 『百牧講演(第一集)』(1921)을 통해 한국 그리스도인들에게 당부한 메시지 분석: 아펜젤러, 홉스, 녹스, 빌링스, 게일을 중심으로
This study aims to analyze the messages from missionaries to Korean Christians in Sermons by One Hundred Pastors & Teachers Vol. 1(1921) in the early years of Japanese cultural policy, focusing on the five sermons written by Henry G. Appenzeller, Thomas Hobbs, Robert Knox, Bliss W. Billings, and James S. Gale. The significant messages from missionaries to Korean Christians are based on Henry G. Appenzeller’s “The Purpose of Life”, Thomas Hobbs’s “A Thorn in the Fire”, Robert Knox’s “True Piety”, Bliss W. Billings’s “Goal to Advance”, and James S. Gale’s “The Bible”.
The author analyzed the five sermons on the basis of the principle of ‘faith as the internal flame’ and ‘practice as the external extension’. The prominent points of the messages in these five sermons could be summarized as follows: Firstly, the author highlighted on ‘faith as the internal flame’, focusing on anxiety for eternal life, calling and stewardship, fear of God, faith of living coram Deo, gradual recovery of the imago Dei, right view of the Bible, and so forth. Secondly, the author considered ‘practice as the external extention’, focusing on evangelism, offering and poverty alleviation, spiritual warfare against secularism, practice of public worship, training for youth workers, and so forth.
Key Words
아펜젤러, 홉스, 녹스, 빌링스, 게일, 『百牧講演, 第一集, 』, Henry G, Appenzeller, Thomas Hobbs, Robert Knox, Bliss W, Billings, James S, Gale, Sermons by One Hundred Pastors & Teachers Vol, 1
Proposal on the Understanding and Orientation of Christian Community in Contemporary Theology: Focusing on the Trinitarian Community Represented by J. Moltmann, L. Boff, and M. Volf 현대 신학의 기독교 공동체 이해와 그 방향성에 관한 제언: J. 몰트만, L. 보프, 그리고 M. 볼프의 삼위일체적 공동체 이해를 중심으로
Proposal on the Understanding and Orientation of Christian Community in Contemporary Theology: Focusing on the Trinitarian Community Represented by J. Moltmann, L. Boff, and M. Volf 현대 신학의 기독교 공동체 이해와 그 방향성에 관한 제언: J. 몰트만, L. 보프, 그리고 M. 볼프의 삼위일체적 공동체 이해를 중심으로
Discussing the Christian community, the concept of the Trinity is inevitably derived, and it is feasibly linked to the same concept. In the past, however, Trinitarianism was often perceived as an impractical doctrine that was difficult to apply, despite various theological apologetics and efforts. For this reason, it has not been widely discussed since the Middle Ages, but it is currently experiencing a resurgence of interest in the modern era. As we move into the contemporary era, there has been a heightened recognition of the significance of the dimension of the Economic Trinity, in particular. Thus, the current theological discussion regarding the Trinity aims to present a practical theory for the realization of salvation in both the human and the created world, applying the concept of the ‘relationship’ of the Triune God to all relationships within the created world.
The rationale for contemporary theologians’ pursuit of the relationality of the Trinity in all relationships is based on the equal ‘relationality’ of the three divine Persons. As such, they aim to apply this to the relationships between God and humanity, between humans and humans, between humans and society, and even between humans and the created world. The attempt is possible since contemporary Trinitarianism recognizes the significance of the ontological Person of the Holy Spirit, which seeks to realize the unity of love and communion through the communal ‘perichoresis’ of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. ‘Perichoresis’ implies a relationship of personal love. Such a community can establish an interpersonal relational community accompanied by one’s love given to others.
Consequently, this paper argues that the principle of the Trinity can be projected beyond the Christian community to the entire created world through the “relationality of personal communion.” Furthermore, it is an essential task of modern Christian theology to apply the relationality of the love of the Trinity to contemporary issues of human suffering from alienation and conflict, and to vindicate the ways in which Christian theology may have contributed to such issues, is an essential task of modern Christian theology. This paper, thus, seeks to prove that the principle of the Trinity can be fully realized as relational, social, and personal communities within a single community through the contemporary illumination of the Trinitarian community theologies demonstrated by J. Moltmann, L. Boff, and M. Volf.
Key Words
삼위일체, 공동체, 페리코레시스, 성령, J, 몰트만, L, 보프, M, 볼프, the Trinity, community, perichoresis, the Holy Spirit, J, Moltmann, L, Boff, M, Volf
A Study on the Direction of Small Groups in the Korean Church through the Herrnhut Community and John Wesley 헤른후트(Herrnhut) 공동체와 웨슬리(Wesley)를 통해 본 한국교회 소그룹 방향성 연구
A Study on the Direction of Small Groups in the Korean Church through the Herrnhut Community and John Wesley 헤른후트(Herrnhut) 공동체와 웨슬리(Wesley)를 통해 본 한국교회 소그룹 방향성 연구
This study aims to analyze and present missional and organic small groups in the Korean church that are facing a crisis due to the new normal era caused by COVID-19. It does so by examining the essence of small groups, the impact of organic small groups, and the direction of small groups in the Korean church. The rapidly changing social environment is affecting the church and the traditional pastoral methods of successionism and growthism have shown their limitations before the social change. Small groups are gaining attention as a way to solve these problems. Therefore, based on a biblical, historical, and theological understanding of the principles and theories behind small groups, this study observes the small groups of the Herrnhut community in Germany and John Wesley in England as models and theories of missional and organic small groups. Thus, this research examines the life and thoughts of Zinzendorf, the founder of the Herrnhut community; as well as the formation, organization, and mission of the Herrnhut community, along with prototypes of missional small groups they sent out. John Wesley and the Methodist small group prototype will be examined to see how piety and practice were realized through small groups. Finally, this study analyzes the case of Korean churches, where small groups are organized and operated in missional and organic forms, examining the impact these small groups have on individuals, families, and churches. The study proposes alternatives for revitalizing small groups and claims that small groups in the Korean church be reborn as missional communities centered on Jesus Christ, organic communities centered on holy spirituality, and voluntary participatory communities.
Key Words
소그룹, 친첸도르프 헤른후트 공동체, 교회 안의 작은 교회, 한국교회 소그룹, 뉴노멀시대, MZ 세대, small group, Zinzendorf Herrnhut Community, ecclesiolae in ecclesia, Korean Church small group, New Normal era, MZ generation