In this article the author, Robert Menzies, responds to a challenge put forward by Amos Yong, who states, “I do not see any scriptural justification for connecting evangelism and missions with the fear of eternal damnation, although I am open to being shown otherwise.” Menzies responds to Yong’s challenge by analyzing a number of passages from Jesus, Paul, and John that present the Christian mission and message as the only antidote to divine judgment and eternal separation from God. The sense of urgency reflected in the apostolic proclamation marked the praxis of the early Pentecostals and, Menzies argues, it should continue to shape the missionary posture of Pentecostals today.
‘Ecstasy’ and ‘Spiritual Presence’ in Paul Tillich’s Pneumatology from the Perspective of Contemporary Pentecostal Theology: Ambiguity and/or Promise for Pentecostal Theology 폴 틸리히의 ‘황홀’과 ‘영적 현존’ 이해와 현대 오순절 신학과의 신학적 교차점과 차이점에 관한 연구
‘Ecstasy’ and ‘Spiritual Presence’ in Paul Tillich’s Pneumatology from the Perspective of Contemporary Pentecostal Theology: Ambiguity and/or Promise for Pentecostal Theology 폴 틸리히의 ‘황홀’과 ‘영적 현존’ 이해와 현대 오순절 신학과의 신학적 교차점과 차이점에 관한 연구
This study aims to explore the theological intersections between Paul Tillich’s pneumatology and contemporary Pentecostal theology. Acknowledging ‘ecstasy’ as a spiritually defined experience seems to be keenly connected with Pentecostal practices of spiritual experiences. Thus, it is certainly interesting to explore the extent of the connection between the Pentecostal understanding of spiritual experiences and Tillich’s view on ‘ecstasy’ and ‘the Spiritual Presence.’ This article argues that Tillich’s theology in this regard could serve as a fruitful dialogue partner for Pentecostal theology in terms of developing its theological analysis and reflection on peculiar spiritual experiences. Furthermore, Tillich’s theological contemplations on ‘ecstasy’ can enrich Pentecostal theology as it helps to formulate norms for the discernment of various spiritual experiences. Tillich’s excellent insights on ‘ecstasy’ and ‘the Spiritual Presence’ will motivate Pentecostals to reconstruct and reexamine their theological framework―‘experienced-based’ theology―even though Tillich’s theology does not provide answers for all of their theological inquiries. Obviously, for Pentecostals, Tillich’s understanding of ‘spiritual experiences’ and ‘the manifestations of the Holy Spirit’ helps them by suggesting a promising way to move beyond the narrowness of their previous theological understanding and reflections. Therefore, through careful analysis and reflection upon Tillich’s theological understanding of ‘ecstasy’ and ‘the Spiritual Presence’ and Pentecostal experiences, this study seeks to demonstrate the linkage between the two theological camps while not ignoring some aspects of their differences.
Key Words
ecstasy, Spiritual Presence, Pentecostal Theology, Paul Tillich, Jurgen Moltmann, 황홀, 영적 현존, 오순절 신학, 폴 틸리히, 위르겐 몰트만
A Study on the Feast of Weeks in Deuteronomy: Proposals for Pentecostal Theology Related to the Reform of the Cult Calendar in Deuteronomy 신명기의 칠칠절에 관한 연구: 신명기의 제의 달력의 개혁과 관련한 오순절 신학을 위한 제안
A Study on the Feast of Weeks in Deuteronomy: Proposals for Pentecostal Theology Related to the Reform of the Cult Calendar in Deuteronomy 신명기의 칠칠절에 관한 연구: 신명기의 제의 달력의 개혁과 관련한 오순절 신학을 위한 제안
Although the term ‘Pentecostal theology’ has long been used, there have been few studies in Korean on the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) from the aspects of Pentecostal theology. This study, therefore, attempts to discover the theological implications of the festival by examining in details the regulation of the Feast of Weeks in Deuteronomy. Furthermore, it seeks to explore the possibility whether the research on the Old Testament law texts can expand the horizon of Pentecostal theology to a greater dimension beyond the theme of ‘the Holy Spirit.’
To accomplish the given purpose, the paper investigates the contents of the reform of the ‘Festival of Weeks’ described in Deuteronomy through the exegesis of the feast text, Deuteronomy 16:9-12, and endeavors to have an understanding of the new society that the festival aimed at. In addition, the study along with the results of exegeses will highlight the aspects overlooked by the existing ‘Pentecostal theology’ and suggest a new direction for Pentecostal theology. To this end, the main methodology will be an exegetical research on the related texts. In particular, since there are a number of possible controversies, the paper will be largely utilizing not the historical-critical methodology, but the literary criticism that exegetes the present form of the text as it is.
Key Words
the Feast of Weeks, Deuteronomy, the reform of cult calendar, cult centralization, Pentecostal theology, 칠칠절, 신명기, 제의 달력의 개혁, 제의 중앙화, 오순절 신학
A Soteriological Dialogue of the Ordo Salutis between Dr. Yonggi Cho and Dr. Jurgen Moltmann: Focusing on The Five-Fold Gospel & The Three-Fold Blessing and The Spirit of Life 조용기 박사와 몰트만 박사의 구원의 서정 (Ordo Salutis)에 관한 구속론적 대화: 『오중복음과 삼중축복』과 『생명의 영』을 중심으로
A Soteriological Dialogue of the Ordo Salutis between Dr. Yonggi Cho and Dr. Jurgen Moltmann: Focusing on The Five-Fold Gospel & The Three-Fold Blessing and The Spirit of Life 조용기 박사와 몰트만 박사의 구원의 서정 (Ordo Salutis)에 관한 구속론적 대화: 『오중복음과 삼중축복』과 『생명의 영』을 중심으로
Dr. Yonggi Cho and Dr. Jurgen Moltmann are highly honored pastortheologians with entirely different cultural and theological backgrounds. This study examines a few of their works to draw a comparison of the Ordo Salutis between them. Dr. Cho’s The Five-Fold Gospel and The Three-Fold Blessing, as well as Dr. Moltmann’s The Spirit of Life, will be the primary concern of this article. A careful analysis of these volumes will reveal that Dr. Cho and Dr. Moltmann propose substantially similar orders of salvation, which are based on Trinitarian and experience-oriented pneumatology.
Fostering dialogue between the two theologians demonstrates that Dr. Cho’s Fivefold Gospel can be theoretically supported by Dr. Moltmann’s theological works. In contrast, Dr. Moltmann can employ various spiritual experiences that have accompanied Dr. Cho’s Pentecostal Fivefold Gospel (Full Gospel) movement in his theological contemplations. Hence, while Dr. Moltmann’s theology may provide a theoretical ground for Dr. Cho’s Pentecostal theology, Dr. Cho’s Yoido Full Gospel Church can provide Dr. Moltmann’s trinitarian pneumatological theology with vivid pieces of evidence of the Holy Spirit.
Key Words
Dr. Yonggi Cho, Dr. Jurgen Moltmann, Yoido Full Gospel Church, pneumatology, Fivefold Gospel, 조용기 박사, 위르겐 몰트만 박사, 여의도 순복음 교회, 성령론, 오중복음
Vladimir N. Lossky’s Theological Understanding on the Processions in the Trinity 삼위일체 안에서의 발현에 관한 블라디미르 로스키의 신학
Karl Barth presents a Trinitarian theology that is concretely anchored in God’s self-revelation by Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit. He strongly holds that the work of the Spirit, the common bond of the Father-Son relationship, is interpreted in terms of carrying over the work of Christ into human subjectivity. This study agrees with the Barthian claim that the objective reality of Christ’s revelation is unthinkable without the subjective work of the Holy Spirit. Yet, lamentably, Barth overlooks the complexity of the relationship between the Son and the Spirit and, thus, the possibility of the Spirit’s work other than her noetic function in the economic Trinity. This does not mean the introduction of either a new way of salvation or an independent activity of the Spirit apart from the Son―these results are not what Barth expects from his own theological reflections. In this light, this paper draws insights from the positions taken by Vladimir Lossky on the Eastern side. From my perspective, he explicates the work of the Spirit in respect to the Son and to the history of salvation in a broader way than Barth. He not only has contributed to the resurgence of interest in Trinitarian theology but also has provided a theological impetus for reinforcing Palamism in contemporary Eastern Orthodox thought which affirms Gregory Palamas’ distinction between the essence of God, which is unknowable, and the energies, manifestations, or operations of God, by which God makes God-self known. This article will explore Lossky’s apophatic method and its related notion of the divine energies, while focusing on his theological premises of the doctrine of the Spirit’s procession, the monarchy of the Father and the inseparable yet distinctive role of the Spirit with the Son in the history of salvation.
Key Words
Vladimir N. Lossky, energies, antinomy, deification, Trinity, 블라디미르 N. 로스키, 에너지, 모순성, 신화, 삼위일체
영산신학저널 제57호 Contributors(printed in order) 영산신학저널 제57호 논문 게재자 주요 경력(게재순)
57(0) 166-171, 2021
영산신학저널 제57호 Contributors(printed in order) 영산신학저널 제57호 논문 게재자 주요 경력(게재순)
DOI: Vol.57(No.0) 166-171, 2021
Key Words
영산신학저널 제57호 : Published English Contents 영산신학저널 제57호 : 2020-2021년 『영산신학저널』 논문 투고 안내
57(0) 172-177, 2021
영산신학저널 제57호 : Published English Contents 영산신학저널 제57호 : 2020-2021년 『영산신학저널』 논문 투고 안내