Youngsan Yonggi Cho’s Pneumatological Doctrine of the Word of God 영산 조용기의 성령론적 성경관
신문철 Shin Mun Chul , 김향란 Kim Hyang Ran
35(0) 7-40, 2015
Youngsan Yonggi Cho’s Pneumatological Doctrine of the Word of God 영산 조용기의 성령론적 성경관
신문철 Shin Mun Chul , 김향란 Kim Hyang Ran
DOI: Vol.35(No.0) 7-40, 2015
This paper aims to restore the authority of the Bible based on Pneumatological doctrine of the Word of God in this time of threat to this authority. Reformers believed the authority of the Church appears when the divine word of God is proclaimed. Therefore, they prioritized the authority of the Word, and sought all evidence of authority in the Word of God. Today, the reason for the fall of the authority of the church is the fall of the authority of the Bible, which is the Word of God. Historical criticisms that appeared in the 19th century are still taught in seminary schools and churches. The intellect of humans is overtaking in importance the authority of the Bible. While the area of Evangelicalism accepts the inspiration and infallibility of the Bible and emphasizes the work as the authoritative Word of God, this acceptance applies only to the original, and questions arise regarding the actual benefits of the emphasis on the original when only the copies survive today. Additionally, as many copies and translations appear in the Korean church, translations are regarded as partly erroneous by the area of Evangelicalism due to the differences among the denominations.
This paper offers a suggestion to restore the authority of the Bible in the current situation when the same authority is under challenge. The Bible is infallible Word of God, written through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. At the same time, the Bible is the living Word of God that speaks to us today. The Holy Spirit inspired the writers and words of the Bible, and although the Bible is completed, has not stopped His ministry. The reason the Bible comes to us today as the Word of God is that the Holy Spirit of the living God speaks to us through the Bible. The Holy Spirit is the one who inspires and illuminates the Bible. While traditional Bibliology focused on the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and was uninterested in the illumination that speaks to us today, I believe the authority of the Bible may be established through inspiration and illumination of the Holy Spirit.
Youngsan Yonggi Cho’s Bibliology is founded on the traditional view of the inspiration and infallibility of the Bible. Youngsan accepts the Bible as the Word of God because it was written by writers who have been inspired by the Holy Spirit. At the same time, Youngsan emphasizes the present Word, the living Word of God, in order for believers to accept the Bible as the Word of God. The Holy Spirit is the author of the Bible as well as its interpreter. The Holy Spirit speaks to us today through the Bible. The authority of the Bible can be evidenced through the Holy Spirit’s speaking to us today. The work of God that appeared in the past can appear to us today through the Holy Spirit. God who spoke in the past speaks to us today through the Holy Spirit. This is Pneumatological Bibliology. Youngsan’s Penumatological Bibliology, based on the traditional Holy Spirit’s inspiration and infallibility, can argue for the authority of the Bible by focusing on the Word of God as spoken to us today.
Key Words
성경해석학, 성령, 성경의 영감, 선포적 설교, 레에마, Biblical Hermeneutics, Holy Spirit, Inspiration of Scripture, Preaching as Proclamation, Rema
Understanding of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit in the Tradition of the International Holiness Union & Prayer League (1897): Focused on Martin Wells Knapp’s and William B. Godbey’s Understanding 만국성결교회(International Holiness Union, 1897) 전통의 성령세례 이해: 마틴 냅(Martin Wells Knapp)과 윌리엄 갓비(William B. Godbey)를 중심으로
오성욱 Oh Sung Wook
35(0) 41-76, 2015
Understanding of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit in the Tradition of the International Holiness Union & Prayer League (1897): Focused on Martin Wells Knapp’s and William B. Godbey’s Understanding 만국성결교회(International Holiness Union, 1897) 전통의 성령세례 이해: 마틴 냅(Martin Wells Knapp)과 윌리엄 갓비(William B. Godbey)를 중심으로
오성욱 Oh Sung Wook
DOI: Vol.35(No.0) 41-76, 2015
This article is aiming at investigating the meaning and charac teristics of the baptism with the Holy Spirit understood by Martin Wells Knapp (1853-1901) and William B. Godbey (1833-1920) of the International Holiness Union & Prayer League (1897) and Internati onal Apostolic Holiness Union (1900). To do this, this article surveys five theological paradigms of the Pentecostal-Holiness movement in the 19th revival era of the North America suggested by Donald Dayton, and then strives to find which one of Dayton’s paradigms can match Knapp and Godbey’s hermeneutics of the baptism with the Holy Spirit. In addition to this broad approach, this article will move to focus on the analysis of the nature of the baptism with the Holy Spirit perceived by Knapp and Godbey.
Dayton categorizes the 19th Pentecostal-Holiness movement in America as follows: (1) the exact equality between the baptism of the Holy Spirit and Holiness, suggested by the mainline holiness movement, (2) Threefold blessing movement, (3) interpretation of the Holy Spirit as receiving the power from God, (4) Keswick movement, and (5) A. B. Simpson’s Fourfold Gospel. Of these five classification, Knapp and Godbey’s interpretation of the baptism with the Holy Spirit belongs to the mainline holiness movement. In more detail, Knapp and Godbey’s understanding of the baptism with the Holy Spirit both reveals the Trinitarian, soteriological, ecclesiological characteristics, and emphasizes the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Key Words
만국성결교회(연맹), 마틴 냅(1853-1901), 윌리엄 갓비(1833-1920), 성령세례, 19세기 북미 오순절-성결운동, International Holiness Union & Prayer League (1897), Martin Knapp (1853-1901), William B. Godbey (1833-1920), Baptism with the Holy Spirit, the 19th Pentecostal-Holiness Movement in North America
Luke’s Pneumatology: A Divine Person 누가의 성령론: 신적 인격
최문홍 Choi Mun Hong
35(0) 77-110, 2015
Luke’s Pneumatology: A Divine Person 누가의 성령론: 신적 인격
최문홍 Choi Mun Hong
DOI: Vol.35(No.0) 77-110, 2015
This paper is written to breach a barrier among New Testament scholars which have been opposed sharply on Luke’s pneumatology. This confrontation assumes an aspect of the heated debates between the Pentecostals (represented by Robert Paul Menzies) and the non-Pentecostals (represented by Max Turner). Turner argues that the Spirit in Luke-Acts has firstly soteriological functions, while Menzies understands the Spirit in Luke-Acts simply as ‘empowering for witness’.
This paper, however, claims that on one hand the Holy Spirit in Luke-Acts is not related with salvation, on the other hand ‘empowerment for witness’ is not enough for the whole Luke’s pneumatology. Because the Holy Spirit in Luke-Acts is seen as the one who performs various activities including witnessing. This paper focuses the Spirit’s role in the process of accomplishment of the promise of Jesus (Acts 1:8). The Spirit here appears as a ‘divine person’ who carries out diverse personal activities.
This paper, therefore, came to the conclusion that Luke’s pneumatology is better understood as the ‘Spirit as a divine person’ rather than the ‘Spirit as simply empowerment for witness.’
Key Words
누가-행전, 성령, 구원, 증거를 위한 능력부여, 신적 인격, 오순절주의, Luke-Acts, Holy Spirit, Salvation, Empowerment for Witness, Divine Person, Pentecostalism
The Work of the Holy Spirit in John 16:7-11 요한복음 16:7-11에 나타난 π⍺ράκλητος의 사역
배재욱 Bae Jae Woog
35(0) 111-146, 2015
The Work of the Holy Spirit in John 16:7-11 요한복음 16:7-11에 나타난 π⍺ράκλητος의 사역
배재욱 Bae Jae Woog
DOI: Vol.35(No.0) 111-146, 2015
The Gospel of John is called as the book of Spiritual Gospel because the Holy Spirit is frequently mentioned (cf. 3:5, 6:63, 7:39, 14:16-17,26, 15:26, 16:13-14, 20:22). The promise of παράκλητος appears through chapter 12 to chapter 14, and the term of παράκλητος appears four times at Jesus’ farewell sermon (14:16,26, 15:26, 16:7-11) in the Gospel of John.
The Holy Spirit is very important in order to understand the Christology in the Gospel of John. Jesus promised to send παράκλητος after His death. The promise of ‘another Counselor’ appears in John 14:16. Jesus refers to the threefold work of the Holy Spirit in 16:8-11. He foretells that the Spirit will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment in 16:8.
In 9-11, the judgment is that παράκλητος is to reveal the sins of world and to judge them. In verse 9, the present tense verb shows that παράκλητος is constantly carrying out the work to report and to condemn (έλέγχω) the sins of those who don’t believe in Jesus. In 10, the work of παράκλητος in regard to righteousness is exposed at being unable to see Him no longer because Jesus leaves, In 11, the work of judgment appears through the revelation that the prince of this world now stands condemned by παράκλητος.
The direction for disclosure of the world by παράκλητος focuses on the evidence of Jesus in the Gospel of John. The work of παράκλητος is to reveal the unbelief of the world. The unbelief is not to accept Christ.
Key Words
보혜사, 다른 보혜사, 죄에 대하여, 의, 심판, π⍺ράκλητος, Another Counselor, in Regard to Sin, Righteousness, Judgment
The Birth of American Divine Healing Movement: Charles Cullis (1833-1892) and the Cure of the Incurable 체념에서 치유로: 북미 신유운동의 개척자, 찰스 컬리스(Charles Cullis, 1833-1892)
이연승 Lee Yeon-seung
35(0) 147-198, 2015
The Birth of American Divine Healing Movement: Charles Cullis (1833-1892) and the Cure of the Incurable 체념에서 치유로: 북미 신유운동의 개척자, 찰스 컬리스(Charles Cullis, 1833-1892)
이연승 Lee Yeon-seung
DOI: Vol.35(No.0) 147-198, 2015
Charles Cullis inaugurated a divine healing movement in association with the Holiness movement, Diaconia, faith principle, and Bible Schools in North America in the late nineteenth century. The eruption of such a divine healing movement represents neither sectarian nor individual phenomena that have been detected throughout Christian history, but a strand of prevalent evangelical expressions concentrated in the late nineteenth century. The study of a divine healing movement thus requires its research to be conducted less from a perspective of a prosperity gospel and shamanism and more as one of main theological themes, including regeneration, sanctification, divine healing, and second coming, which both evangelicalism and the Radical Holiness Movement adopted as one of its four key themes.
Key Words
오순절운동, 찰스 컬리스, 신유, 신앙원리, 성결, 디아코니아, 성경학원, Pentecostal Movement, Divine Healing Movement, Charles Cullis, Faith Principle, Holiness, Diaconia, Bible School
Healing Counseling Missionary Work Methodology through Korean Pentecostal Divine Healing 한국 오순절 신유를 통한 치유상담 선교방법론
이수환 Lee Soo Hwan
35(0) 199-230, 2015
Healing Counseling Missionary Work Methodology through Korean Pentecostal Divine Healing 한국 오순절 신유를 통한 치유상담 선교방법론
이수환 Lee Soo Hwan
DOI: Vol.35(No.0) 199-230, 2015
This thesis examined healing counseling missionary work methodology through Korean Pentecostal divine healing. Particularly, the most influential Christian movement in the 20th century is the very Pentecostal movement, and currently the Pentecostal movement has expanded to missionary work fields such as North America, South America, Africa, Asia and Europe. Korean Pentecost which is most active and vigorously growing made people pay attention to divine healing which is important and universal spiritual resources and divine healing miracles to overcome spiritual limitations not only present what is realized in modern times but also contribute to the expansion of the kingdom of God by highlighting the healing counseling missionary work methodology through divine healing as the key subject of faith and theology
This researcher expects to invigorate global missionary work through Korean church with the research on the healing counseling missionary work methodology through Korean Pentecostal divine healing with regard to the divine healing in order to apply it to the missionary fields and ministry fields today by examining the understanding of the Bible on the divine healing, and the divine healing through healing counseling of Jesus Christ, and healing counseling missionary work approaches through the Pentecostal divine healing.
Divine healing is part of Jesus’ work of salvation and is grace and gift that God gives us freely. Divine healing is Jesus’ work of healing counseling missionary work method that church, today’s healing community, cannot disregard. So missionaries and ministers need to understand sufficiently the healing counseling missionary work methodology through Korean Pentecostal divine healing and should emphasize divine healing with this missionary work methodology in the missionary fields and ministry fields until the return of Jesus Christ. The Gospel of Korean Pentecostal divine healing is needed more urgently in the missionary fields and ministry fields than ever before.
Key Words
한국 오순절, 신유, 치유, 치유상담, 선교, 치유상담 선교방법론, Korean Pentecost, Divine Healing, Healing, Healing Counseling, Mission, Healing Counseling Missionary Work Methodology
Forgiveness Study of Rev. Youngsan Yonggi Cho 영산 조용기 목사의 용서 연구
임동환 Lim Dong Hwan
35(0) 231-258, 2015
Forgiveness Study of Rev. Youngsan Yonggi Cho 영산 조용기 목사의 용서 연구
임동환 Lim Dong Hwan
DOI: Vol.35(No.0) 231-258, 2015
When people live in the world, sometimes they are accepted and loved by their parents, siblings, neighbors, teachers and friends. Or sometimes they are rejected from them and they are living with the negative emotions such as fear, anxiety and anger in their hearts. When we read newspaper, we are facing a number of incidents daily because of their negative emotions and anger. We know that the significant part of their incidents was caused due to unresolved negative feelings and anger in their hearts. Is there any solution that we can have healing from the rejected feelings and relationship?
‘Youngsan’ claimed that the solution is to forgive. When Adam and Eve sinned, God took an animal for them and made leather clothes to cover their sin and shame. Likewise, Jesus came to this world and died on the Cross and shed his precious blood. His blood and death covered the sins of people and He forgave all of our sins. This research studied about forgiveness. This research raised some research questions. What are the benefits of forgiveness? What does the Bible says about the forgiveness? How to forgive our offenders? ‘Youngsan’ claimed that we should forgive others as God forgave us. We should forgive God, ourselves and our offenders. Without forgiveness, there is no future.
Key Words
용서, 용서의 정의, 용서의 과정, 성경적인 용서, Forgiveness, Definition of Forgiveness, Process of Forgiveness, Biblical Forgiveness
Full Gospel Church Curriculum Development based on the Faith Community Approach to Christian Education 신앙공동체 교육모형에 기초한 순복음교회 평신도 교육과정 개발
소태영 So Tae Young
35(0) 259-296, 2015
Full Gospel Church Curriculum Development based on the Faith Community Approach to Christian Education 신앙공동체 교육모형에 기초한 순복음교회 평신도 교육과정 개발
소태영 So Tae Young
DOI: Vol.35(No.0) 259-296, 2015
“What is the church?” This question is closely related with the chur ch curriculum as well as church. Without the deep theological and pastoral reflection on the church, many church curricula have been introduced and accepted in the Korean church. This dualistic distinction between ecclesiology and church curriculum has produced the church curricula without theological and pastoral reflection on the church. Therefore, this study critically reflects on the separation between ecclesiology and the church curriculum. In order to overcome the dualism, this study identifies the church curriculum with “the entire church life”as Didache, Kerygma, Koinonia, Leiturgia, Diakonia and develops the Full Gospel church curriculum based on Harris’church curriculum model. This study first explores the relationship between ecclesiology and church curriculum and then, introduces and analyzes today’s church curricula in light of five curricula of Didache, Kerygma, Koinonia, Leiturgia, Diakonia. Finally this study critically reflects on the Full Gospel church curriculum and suggest the alternative church curriculum model for the Full Gospel Church on the basis of Pentecostal Pneumatology and ecclesiology.
Key Words
교회, 교육과정, 마리아 해리스, 순복음, 성령, Church, Curriculum, Maria Harris, Full Gospel, Holy Spirit