A Survey of Recent Studies on the Theology of Glossolalia 최근 방언 신학 연구 동향
김동수 Kim Dongsoo
32(0) 7-40, 2014
A Survey of Recent Studies on the Theology of Glossolalia 최근 방언 신학 연구 동향
김동수 Kim Dongsoo
DOI: Vol.32(No.0) 7-40, 2014
The first researches on the glossolalia after the birth of the Pentecostal movement were done in the area of non theological disciplines such as psychology or sociology. It was interpreted mainly negatively in those researches. It was often believed that the tongues were of the disinherited or of the people psychologically in disorder. However, scholars from Pentecostal traditions began to interpret it positively, and many theological studies on the glossolalia were produced in this light. A lot of significant works have appeared during last 20 years. The primary task of this article is to survey the works and review them for the constructive discussions on that in the future. This will contribute to the following factors. First, it will help the scholars to understand the recent researches in the area of theological studies on glossolalia. Second, it will help Korean theologians to set the subject for the future discussions. Third, it will be a good counter argument against the claim that the tongues has no theological meaning. Finally, it will encourage, I hope, Korean theologians to engage more actively in the research on the theological understanding of glossolalia.
Youngsan’s Teachings about Dream and Vision for Application in the Spiritual Life “꿈”과“환상”에 대한 영산의 가르침과 영성생활에 적용
김홍근 Kim Hong Keun
32(0) 41-70, 2014
Youngsan’s Teachings about Dream and Vision for Application in the Spiritual Life “꿈”과“환상”에 대한 영산의 가르침과 영성생활에 적용
김홍근 Kim Hong Keun
DOI: Vol.32(No.0) 41-70, 2014
Youngsan teaches that the most important way to know the will of God is a dream. God reveals his will through the Bible and payer but also it reveals through dreams. A dream is a gift from God to us. Dream given by God is very meaningful after waking. In many cases, we get the feeling that God speaks through the dreams. Therefore, Christians need to deeply contemplate what the message God has given through dreams is. In the Bible, people of God didn’t ignore dream but deeply contemplated it. Then when God gave wisdom, they were able to realize brightly and to act right. Likewise Christians must cherish a dream.
Youngsan says, “Have a dream! The dream is going to lead you.” Having a dream, surprisingly people are drawn by the dream. Youngsan advises the following: because every worshiper is a dreamer, he/she should listen to what God gives and what happens next though the dream. Youngsan thinks that worship is an act to see dreams given by God and to share vision given by God with others.
Wilfred Bion said, “Human beings dream without interruption because they are dreaming beings. Human beings dream at daytime, not just at night.” Unconsciously waking thinking, dreaming is an essential element that represents thought, emotion and existence. Bion said, “If you do not have a dream and a fantasy, then it means you do not have a way to think about your problems.
Naturally human beings think and draw a picture endlessly. And that thoughts and pictures lead themselves. Such a claim of Bion has significant points of contact with Youngsan’s.
The purpose of this paper is not only to study Youngsan’s teachings about dreams and vision but also to associate a viewpoint with the Bible, Christian spirituality and in-depth psychology about dream. This paper will reveal that dreams and visions have a significant meaning and value for spiritual life. Youngsan is a man of dreams. And he is a man who fulfilled his dream with the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the study of dreams is valuable because dream is his most important ideas.
In the Beginning There Was a Theology: The Priority of Theology to Experience in Pentecostal Movement 태초에 신학이 있었다: 오순절 운동에서 신학 선행, 경험 후행성
이창승 Lee Chang-soung
32(0) 71-96, 2014
In the Beginning There Was a Theology: The Priority of Theology to Experience in Pentecostal Movement 태초에 신학이 있었다: 오순절 운동에서 신학 선행, 경험 후행성
이창승 Lee Chang-soung
DOI: Vol.32(No.0) 71-96, 2014
Experience-first theory is not correct. The theory has persisted in that Pentecostal Movement started with experience, and then theological explanation followed. But, in fact, it began with theology, and experience followed it. Pentecostal Movement was born with the process: 1) theological Bible study-to give answer to the theological thematic question: “What is the Bible evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit?” 2) extraction of a theological hypothesis from the theological Bible study-speaking in tongues, 3) experience-speaking in tongues, the confirmation of the hypothesis and establishment of the principle through the experience. In the beginning of Pentecostal Movement, the theology preceeded before experience did. In other words, there was a theology in the beginning!
As the first step, this writing will examine the wrong opinion which has insisted experience first theory, and the product of the opinion, revisionism. And then, it will confirm theology-first theory. This work will be accomplished by analyzing the process through which Charles F. Parham started Pentecostal Movement and searching the views which grasp theology priority correctly. As a result, experience priority and revisionism will be refuted.
Key Words
오순절 운동, 신학, 경험, 성경 연구, 성령침례, 방언, Pentecostal Movement, Theology, Experience, Bible Study, Baptism in the Spirit, Speaking in Tongues
The Emergence of Militant Buddhism in Indochina and Its Challenge to Christian Missions 인도차이나에서 군사적 불교의 등장과 기독교 선교
전호진 Jun Ho Jin
32(0) 97-134, 2014
The Emergence of Militant Buddhism in Indochina and Its Challenge to Christian Missions 인도차이나에서 군사적 불교의 등장과 기독교 선교
전호진 Jun Ho Jin
DOI: Vol.32(No.0) 97-134, 2014
The Indochina of Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos is becoming the region of new cold war between China and America. During the 1960s and 1970s the countries of Indochina have become the Communistic nation. The Communism who considers religion as the opium of people failed to eliminate Buddhism, so they are ideologically coexisting together. It indicates that Communism uprising and revolution killed many people, but Communism could not drive away Buddhism from the countries far way.
Many people tend to think that Buddhism is “a-political religion” in their teaching of detachment from physical or material world. However, Theravada Buddhism in these countries is emerging as militant Buddhism in the same way of Sri Lanka. Militant Buddhism does not allow the coexistence with other religions in their community. Theravada Buddhism becomes a great challenge to the Christian churches and mission in the Indochina.
Christianity made their footholds in only Animistic cultures of Karen, Kachin, Chin and Isu ethnical groups, etc. Christian missions are still very hard to get the souls from dominate Buddhism people in Thailand, Myanmar, and Laos. Cambodia has become an exception.
However, Theravada Buddhism seems to expose their contradictions in their teachings and doctrines. Some mission scholar defines it. Politically and socially these countries are unstable due to military dictator, corruption and social injustice. As Max Weber pointed out, Theravada Buddhism only function to legitimatize the Kings as god and the class society, it resulted in corruptions and social injustice. So these nations became Communistic nations. Only corrupted kings and political powers have been only replaced by the same corrupted and more dictator military powers. The people of middle class and the intellectuals enjoy the privilege in dominant Buddhism culture and society. But many young generations are eager for democracy and social justice; it can help them to turn from Buddhism to other religion or ideology.
Theravada Buddhism in Indochina is very hostile to Christian mission. Christian mission strategy needs to be Biblical, flexible, and relevant to Buddhism culture. Christian missions need to develop missionary apologetic rather than elenctics suggested by J. H. Bavinck in which mission should encounter the people of Buddhism in humble defense attitude, persuasive polemics and good Christian presence. Christianity is a liberating religion to free the people from spiritual darkness of Buddhism. “For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city”(Acts 18:10, NIV).
Filling of the Holy Spirit in Num 11*, Joel 3* and Acts 2*: The Sermon by Yonggi Cho on Pentecost 민수기 11장*, 요엘 3장*과 사도행전 2장*에 나타난 영 부음: 영산의 오순절 설교
민경구 Min Kyunggoo
32(0) 135-160, 2014
Filling of the Holy Spirit in Num 11*, Joel 3* and Acts 2*: The Sermon by Yonggi Cho on Pentecost 민수기 11장*, 요엘 3장*과 사도행전 2장*에 나타난 영 부음: 영산의 오순절 설교
민경구 Min Kyunggoo
DOI: Vol.32(No.0) 135-160, 2014
The concept of the Holy Spirit is the essence of the sermon by Rev. Yonggi Cho. The Korean churches have become influenced by his teachings regarding the Holy Spirit. The understanding by Pastor Cho Yonggi about the gift of the Spirit is based on the exposition of Acts 2. But the Pentecost event in Acts 2 refers literally to Joel 3, which is why the research on Joel 3 is necessary for the understanding of Acts 2. Because Joel 3* also refers to Num 11:29, one needs to present the Pentecost event of Acts 2 in light of Joel 3 in connection with Num 11. In regard to the presentation of the Pentecost event, Acts 2 refers to Joel 3 in its literal fulfillment. As such, the gift of the Spirit of Acts 2 is to be clarified through the historical-critical study of Joel 3 and Num 11, because Joel 3* also refers to Num 11:29. The gift of the Spirit in Num 11 builds on the obedience to the Law, the Mosaic task of obedience to the Law transferred to the Elders, which is generalized by the desire of Moses in Num 11:29. Here, the relation between the gift of the Spirit and the Tora-obedience can also be found in the 3rd or 2nd century BC. In this context, the intention of the outpouring of the Spirit of Acts 2 is primarily to be understood as Tora-obedience. Furthermore, the Pentecost event is not presented as something temporary, but it needs to be understood as a promise with a long duration.
The result of the research introduces the idea of the Spirit to the church, because the infilling of the Spirit is not primarily a charismatic fact, but rather constitutes the obedience to the Law.
Key Words
영 부음, 민수기 11장, 요엘 3장, 사도행전 2장, 토라, 조용기, Holy Spirit, Num 11, Joel 3, Acts 2, Torah, Yonggi Cho
Dr. Yonggi Cho and Sukuk 조용기 목사와 수쿠크법
이충웅 Lee Chung Ung
32(0) 161-192, 2014
Dr. Yonggi Cho and Sukuk 조용기 목사와 수쿠크법
이충웅 Lee Chung Ung
DOI: Vol.32(No.0) 161-192, 2014
The Islamic finance industry is growing rapidly in recent years which is based on the increase of the assets and the high oil prices. Since the outbreak of the global financial crisis in 2008, the financial industry of the United States and the EU have received a big blow in the wake of the crisis. On the contrary, the financial industry of the Islamic have been extended relatively stable. There is growing interest in the Islamic system, as well as all the attention of the investors from all over the world.
Dr. Cho bravely opposed the passage of the law of sukuk officially which caused a big wave in Korea society at the time. Hannara-dang (party), the ruling party at the time, postponed the passage of the law of sukuk after a discussion a few days later. Why is Dr. Cho opposed such a law? The reason is as follows. Firstly, it is about religion. The government even gives tax reduction in order to promote the adoption of the Islamic sukuk bonds which is not in line with the market economy but the Islamic religion. In order to issue the Islamic sukuk bonds, it needs to go through the review of Shariah Commission. The Commission is an organ which interprets Islamic law. If the operation of the Islamic sukuk bonds is against Islamic law, it will not be allowed to invest. Secondly, it is a way to make the world Islamize through Islamic finance. In Asia, Islamic finance is well run in Malaysia, but the actual source of the funds is in Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia, the finance is gradually operated in Islamic style under the pressure of Islamic fundamentalism. The Islamic banks are not purely to generate revenue through the capital investment, they are actually engaged with the Islamic movement of the state. Thirdly, there is some kind of relationship between the Islamic finance with terrorism. Saudi Arabia’s financial capital is connected to the Muslim Brotherhood Movement in Egypt. The place where they mostly flew into was just the financial system in Saudi Arabia. They mainly infiltrated schools and banks to work to evangelize the finance and became the core forces of the funding of the Islamic NGO. Fourthly, it is an issue of equity. It is contrary to equity that the specific religion can get tax exemption on estate transactions. This will destroy the financial order. If they come to buy the estate of South Korea with the astronomical oil money under duty-free benefits and collect them, the land of South Korea or the owner of the building will be changed to Muslim rapidly.
Based on the above reasons, Dr. Cho is opposed to the adoption of the sukuk. But it seems like that the realization of sukuk will come up in Parliament again sooner or later based on the atmosphere throughout the financial community that sukuk will come back to Korea. In this case we Christians should gather our strength. We should stop the Islamization which is progressed rapidly in Korea. We must understand that sukuk is the center of it.
Key Words
수쿠크, 조용기, 이슬람 금융, 테러리즘, 종교성, 이슬람화, Sukuk, Islam Finance, Terrorism, Yonggi Cho, Religion, Islamization
The Principles of Christian Education as Viewed through Youngsan Theology 영산 신학으로 조명한 기독교교육의 원리
최성훈 Choi Seong-hun
32(0) 193-227, 2014
The Principles of Christian Education as Viewed through Youngsan Theology 영산 신학으로 조명한 기독교교육의 원리
최성훈 Choi Seong-hun
DOI: Vol.32(No.0) 193-227, 2014
Youngsan has followed the doctrines of evangelical Christianity and provided Fivefold Gospels and Threefold Blessings. The fundamental principles of Christian education are also based upon evangelical Christian theology. Youngsan emphasizes the initiative of divine participation in human society. Humans cannot realize their potential as God’s image bearers, but God opens the possibility to achieve it. Christian educators who accept Jesus as their personal savior reincarnate Jesus in the field of education. As a result, Christian educators consider the situations of learners and provide them with a hospitable learning environment. Their task includes the balance between theory and practice, and the integration of rationality and spirituality. Youngsan’s theology also needs to critically reflect on its theological premises so that it can provide Christian education with principles which integrate the understanding of God and that of human beings. The first step toward balance and integration is building a loving, personal relationship with God and with people. Through intimate personal relationships, Christian education can relate God’s Truth to human truths and build a genuine learning community.
Key Words
영산 신학, 기독교교육의 원리, 하나님의 주도성, 창조명령, 대명령, 대위임령, Youngsan Theology, Principles of Christian Education, The Initiative of God, The Creation Mandate, The Great Commandment, The Great Commission