A Study on Preaching of Rev. Yonggi Cho and Implication for the Future in the Perspective of Innovativeness in Narrative and the New Appearance of the Kingdom of God ‘이야기의 혁신성’의 관점과 하나님 나라의 ‘새로운 돌입’이라는 관점에서 본 영산 조용기 목사와 설교, 그리고 미래를 위한 함의(含意)
김운용 Kim Unyoung
30(0) 7-58, 2014
A Study on Preaching of Rev. Yonggi Cho and Implication for the Future in the Perspective of Innovativeness in Narrative and the New Appearance of the Kingdom of God ‘이야기의 혁신성’의 관점과 하나님 나라의 ‘새로운 돌입’이라는 관점에서 본 영산 조용기 목사와 설교, 그리고 미래를 위한 함의(含意)
김운용 Kim Unyoung
DOI: Vol.30(No.0) 7-58, 2014
Rev. Yonggi Cho is one of the most famous pastors and preachers in the contemporary Korean church history. He has conveyed not only victorious Jesus but also awaked and vitalized the churches in Korea and over the world by his preaching and marvelous works through the Holy Spirit. At first, he planted a church in the poverty sticken area, the outskirts of Seoul, with five members and later became the senior pastor of the biggest church in the world, Yoido Full Gospel Church, through his strong leadership based on the church growth and powerful hope-and-blessing-based preaching. The church became the epitome of the Korean church growth in history and he became one of the influential preachers in the contemporary Korean church. His preaching was formed through his specific testimonies from experience and his innovative narrative such as Threefold Blessing and Fivefold Gospel. It was formed through his crisis experience that he was healed and showed the important reality of faith in his ministry and preaching. This article focuses on evaluating Rev. Cho’s preaching ministry from the narrative perspective of innovativeness suggested by Howard Gardner and proposing the implication for his followers in the future through ministries by Johann Christoph Blumhardt and his son, Christoph Blumhardt, German pastors in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Key Words
조용기 목사, 설교, 이야기 혁신성, 하나님 나라, 여의도순복음교회, Yonggi Cho, Preaching, Innovative Narrative, Kingdom of God, Yoido Full Gospel Church
Understanding of the Text of Exodus in Reverend Yonggi Cho’s Sermon 영산 조용기 목사의 설교에 나타난 출애굽기 본문 이해
장석정 Chang Sok Chung
30(0) 59-90, 2014
Understanding of the Text of Exodus in Reverend Yonggi Cho’s Sermon 영산 조용기 목사의 설교에 나타난 출애굽기 본문 이해
장석정 Chang Sok Chung
DOI: Vol.30(No.0) 59-90, 2014
In this paper I have tried to analyze Reverend Cho’s sermon on Exodus 3:1-12 in terms of his understanding of the text of Exodus. Reverend Cho connects the passage with chapters 2 and 4 to enhance the possibility of comprehension reflected on the twelve verses of chapter 3. The method of the study is to analyze the text of the sermon and compare with the text of Exodus and that of the New Testament. What we could find in Exodus and what we could not are distinguished while focusing on the function of the sermon.
There are several characteristics in Reverend Cho’s sermon. First of all, he does not focus on Moses’ leadership quality, but on Moses’ weakness as a human. He tries to show the congregation the Moses’ changed character. Second, Reverend Cho paraphrases the text of Exodus when the text itself does not mention some situations and events. It is because he tried to help the congregation understand the text of Exodus better and enable them to apply the message from it to their lives.
Third, his sermon shows how Moses’ psychological conflict and fear in his mind contrast to the text of Exodus that records the Moses’ actions and events. Through Reverend Cho’s sermon the congregation could see Moses as a human and learn how to deal with their lives in such a dilemma. Finally, I have tried to indicate the result of the modern studies in the field of Hebrew Bible whenever it is possible. I have done it because some of Reverend Cho’s paraphrasing seem to be similar to those studies.
This essay identifies the characteristics of the Pentecostal view of Scripture and its contribution to biblical hermeneutics. Although holding fast to the authority of the Bible as the inspired word of God, Pentecostal theology has curiously been aloof from the debates on biblical infallibility in which its evangelical counterpart has actively engaged. Instead, Pentecostals have opted for an experiential approach to biblical truthfulness over objective truth-claims. In Pentecostalism, inspiration of Scripture has more to do with the on-going influence of the Holy Spirit than with static correctness of the text. Accordingly, the Pentecostal ideal of Bible-reading is primarily to expose oneself to the faith-generating work of the Spirit rather than to pursue an informed understanding of Scripture. Pentecostal theology needs to ascertain, however, that the Pentecostal view of the Bible does not reject critical studies per se but only seeks more comprehensive biblical interpretation that does not downplay the experiential aspect to human understanding of divine revelation. Therefore, the aim of Pentecostal Bible-reading is by no means to propose obscurantism about biblical studies but to go beyond reductionism found in some forms of biblical criticism as well as the inerrancy argument and do justice to and relive the divine-human encounter pervasive in Scripture. One of the most notable examples of the Pentecostal reading of the Bible is found in sermons and writings of David Yonggi Cho (Youngsan). Throughout his ministry, Youngsan has untiringly focused on the Holy Spirit working through the letters of the Bible. Youngsan considers any reading of Scripture incomplete unless the Spirit inspires the reader not only to understand but to experience what the letters of Scripture deliver. In biblical hermeneutics, Pentecostal penchant for reenacting biblical narratives in individual lives has directed attention to normativeness of the narrative genre in the Bible. This contribution also originated from the pivotal role of Pentecostal experience in all aspects of its theology.
Key Words
오순절 해석학, 체험적 성경읽기, 영산의 성경읽기, 성경의 영감, 성경 무오, 성경해석, Pentecostal Hermeneutics, Experiential Reading of the Bible, Bible-reading of David Yonggi Cho, Inspiration of Scripture, Biblical Inerrancy, Biblical Interpretation
Reverend Yonggi Cho’s ‘the Gospel of Blessing’ in the Light of Martin Luther’s ‘Theology of the Cross’ 십자가 신학의 빛으로 본 영산 조용기 목사의‘축복의 복음’
박만 Park Mann
30(0) 119-152, 2014
Reverend Yonggi Cho’s ‘the Gospel of Blessing’ in the Light of Martin Luther’s ‘Theology of the Cross’ 십자가 신학의 빛으로 본 영산 조용기 목사의‘축복의 복음’
박만 Park Mann
DOI: Vol.30(No.0) 119-152, 2014
The aim of this study is to examine Reverend Yonggi Cho’s ‘the gospel of blessing’ in the light of Martin Luther’s theology of the cross. The reason for this is that his understanding of the gospel seems in a sense similar to ‘the theology of the glory’ which Martin Luther tried to refute with his theology of the cross. For this aim the first part of this thesis surveys Reverend Cho’s ‘the gospel of the blessing.’ The second part examines Martin Luther’s theology of the cross. The third part investigates Reverend Cho’s understanding in the light of the theology of the cross. Especially in the third part his understanding of ‘the gospel of the blessing’ is investigated in terms of theological epistemology, soteriology and Christian life.
As a conclusion this study contends that while his understanding of the gospel of blessing corresponds to the theology of the cross in terms of theological epistemology and soteriology, it has a substantial inconsistency in terms of its understanding of Christian life. And as a way of supplement this, this study suggests three points: recovering the theological value of suffering and vulnerability, emphasizing Christian service and stewardship, and becoming the Church for the poor and of the poor.
Key Words
조용기 목사, 축복의 복음, 마르틴 루터, 십자가 신학, 승리주의, Reverend Yonggi Cho, the Gospel of Blessing, Martin Luther, the Theology of the Cross, Triumphalism
The Relationship between the Emerging Church Movement and the Holy Spirit: Focused on Michael Welker’s Pneumatology 이머징 교회 운동과 성령의 관계: 미하엘 벨커의 성령론을 중심으로
최영현 Choi Young Hyun
30(0) 153-190, 2014
The Relationship between the Emerging Church Movement and the Holy Spirit: Focused on Michael Welker’s Pneumatology 이머징 교회 운동과 성령의 관계: 미하엘 벨커의 성령론을 중심으로
최영현 Choi Young Hyun
DOI: Vol.30(No.0) 153-190, 2014
After experiencing the growth of the emerging church in the North America and Great Britain, many Korean Protestant church leaders have considered adapting to this movement. The emerging church movement has concentrated on the mission, participating in the community and contextual society in this world. This emphasis reflects on the incarnational Christology. However, the pneumatological aspects have been worked properly to the movement as well.
It is Michael Welker who helps us to see how God’s Spirit can be detected in our social, personal and political life, and culture. By reading biblical scriptures closely, Welker reveals explicit testimonies about the Spirit with the theological analysis. The Spirit gathers people to build a community for believers. Under the power of God’s Spirit, they support and accept each other in order to have the better relationship in this world. Our body cannot be differentiated with our soul in the power of the Holy Spirit. Bible reading, worship, and preaching used to nurture people’s whole bodies as the community priorly rather than each individual. If the Spirit is poured out upon each person by the power of the Spirit, he/she renews and rebuilds the community in which people are suffering and hurt. The Spirit also evokes the sympathy for others so that one can understand and help them willingly. Love, one of the fruits of the Spirit, allows him/her to experience self-withdrawing and self-giving to others like Jesus did on the cross. These notable theological analyses indicate characteristics of the Holy Spirit that generates the power of the public influence, and it can be explained in terms of the emerging church movement.
Youngsan Yonggi Cho’s Sermon and Pentecostal Theology 영산 조용기 목사의 설교와 오순절 신학
이상윤 Lee Sang Yun
30(0) 191-224, 2014
Youngsan Yonggi Cho’s Sermon and Pentecostal Theology 영산 조용기 목사의 설교와 오순절 신학
이상윤 Lee Sang Yun
DOI: Vol.30(No.0) 191-224, 2014
In the early twentieth century, Pentecostal movement broke out throughout the world in marvelous ways. There were remarkable Pentecostal movements in the Azusa Street in the United States (1906) and in Wonsan (1903) and Pyongyang (1907) in Korea. Since then, Pentecostal churches have grown very quickly. Until 1950s, however, the growth of Korean Pentecostal churches and denominations were inadequate. For 50 years from the Wonsan Revival in 1903 to 1953, there were only about 10 Pentecostal churches with 500 church members in Korea.
The turnaround began after Yonggi Cho and Jashil Choi founded a tent church in Daejo-dong in 1958 when the development of Korean Pentecostal churches was unparalleled in Christian church history. Young San Yonggi Cho proclaimed the message of the Threefold Blessing: “all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul” (3 John 2) to Koreans who suffered from diseases and poverty.
The Threefold Blessing successfully has contextualized into Korean Christian life and faith. The Threefold Blessing became one of Korean Pentecostalism’s core theological foundations and was deeply related to Korean contexts which included severe poverty and sicknesses. Cho changed Korean Christians’ understandings about God from the furious God who punishes sins and misdeeds to the good God who wants to bless His people. Cho also understands the Kingdom of God not only in the eschatological perspective but also as the present Kingdom to be experienced in contemporary life. Cho understands that the threefold calamities (physical, spiritual, and environmental calamities) turned into the Threefold Blessing through the passion, crucifixion, and resurrection of Christ. His messages based on the Threefold Blessing gave the great hope to Koreans and the Pentecostal churches influenced by him were able to bring up a great revival.
However, there are significant differences between the contemporary Korean context and the post Korean context. Economically, Korea has become the 10th strongest country in the world and most Koreans can receive good National Health Care. In the past, Koreans had two major problems, poverty and illness. Yet, currently, they have more complicated and difficult issues such as broken family, school violence, destructed ecosystem, social polarization and so on. Thus, both his theology and message of the Threefold Blessing have to be recontextualized in Korean contexts beyond material blessings or physical healing today.
The Youth Barth and Hermann Cohen: The Ideological Influence and Theological Acceptance of Neo-Kantianism Reflected on Barth Theology 청년 바르트와 헤르만 코엔: 초기 바르트 신학에 나타난 신칸트학파의 사상적 영향과 그 신학적 수용
이정환 Lee Jung Hwan
30(0) 225-262, 2014
The Youth Barth and Hermann Cohen: The Ideological Influence and Theological Acceptance of Neo-Kantianism Reflected on Barth Theology 청년 바르트와 헤르만 코엔: 초기 바르트 신학에 나타난 신칸트학파의 사상적 영향과 그 신학적 수용
이정환 Lee Jung Hwan
DOI: Vol.30(No.0) 225-262, 2014
In the 20th century Karl Barth’s dialectical theology which influenced the Protestantism is the Christ-centered theology representing the Word of God. The contemporary interpretation and trend of research on his theology has been developed as the new research of Barth’s philosophy until this present time. For the result of this recent research studied on Barth, the theology that Barth established at Marburg University in his early period has been remarked currently.
Especially Hermann Cohen was a philosophy professor at Marburg University who established Neo-Kantianism. The young Barth accepted Cohen’s earliest theological concept, ‘Source’ (Ursprung) and ethical philosophy concept ‘Generalness’ (Allheit) and conceptualized them initially to establish his new theological concept, that is, dialectical theology. This paper introduces the newly pioneered field of studies from the Barth’s historical research and background in the consequence of his accepted part of Neo-Kantianism philosophy when he was young at Marburg University. Through this study I attempt to connect Hermann Cohen’s philosophy and ethics not introduced yet in Korean Christian theological studies to the earliest stage of Barth’s theology, and then analyze the relationship between these so that this might be an opportunity to expand the scholastic prospect of Protestantism more widely.
Hermann Cohen is not only a Jewish-German philosopher but also a religious philosopher influenced tremendously by his philosophical root based on Judaism faith and ideas. The root of his philosophical idea is reflected on Kantianism. The representative philosopher of Neo-Kantianism, Hermann Cohen who critically accepted and developed it finally obtained excellent result for the research of epistemology and ethics.
This paper will deal with ideological development and its core theory as well. The ethics should not be only reflected on the theory established for the human’s behavior but also assume understanding human existence itself and its recognition for the first stage. Therefore the philosophical-epistemological analysis and ethical understanding of humanity are mutual inescapable relationship. From this perspective the young Barth’s new theology and ethics are reflected by Cohen’s transcendental theory. I attempt to study this newly historical interrelationship between Barth and Cohen and the meaning historically to interpret the philosophical influence on Barth’s theology in the earliest stage through this paper.
Key Words
신칸트주의, 초기 바르트의 신학, 주체성, 선험 철학, 순수의지, 통일성, Neo-Kantianism, the Early Theology of Karl Barth, Subjectivity, Transcedental Philosophy, Pure Will, Unity