Biblical Theology of Rev. Yonggi Cho with Special Reference to the Letter to the Hebrews 영산 조용기 목사의 성서신학 : 히브리서를 중심으로
최승락 Choi Seung Nack
23(0) 9-49, 2011
Biblical Theology of Rev. Yonggi Cho with Special Reference to the Letter to the Hebrews 영산 조용기 목사의 성서신학 : 히브리서를 중심으로
최승락 Choi Seung Nack
DOI: Vol.23(No.0) 9-49, 2011
In this article, we try to evaluate the exposition of the Letter to the Hebrews of Rev. Yonggi Cho from the perspective of Biblical theology. Some scholars like Otfried Hofius and Andrew T. Lincoln took Hebrews as the model of Biblical theology in light of continuity and discontinuity between the Old and New Testaments. We develop this point and examine how this matter is related to the main topics of Hebrews, such as the word of God, Jesus Christ the High-priest, the new covenant people of God, and the life style of the new covenant people.
Rev. Yonggi Cho puts his priority in his exposition to God who speaks in his Son. He takes both the continuity and discontinuity aspects of Hebrews to develop his theology of the word of God. Especially his theology of hope is based on the promise word of God, which has a transforming power in the lives of the believers. He emphasizes the prestigious identity of the new covenant people of God based on the continuity with the Old Testament. Sometimes, however, he improperly identifies the law with the Old Testament itself.
Rev. Yonggi Cho, following the writer of Hebrews, rightly argues that Biblical theology should overcome the narrow confinement of the text to the historical context. The wider context of the life of the church in the actualizing power of the Holy Spirit is always important in the process of interpretation of the Bible. A major contribution of Rev. Yonggi Cho to Biblical theology lies in his overcoming of the supposed dichotomous approach between ‘what the scripture meant’ and ‘what it means.’
Key Words
성서신학, 히브리서, 연속성과 불연속성, 영산 조용기 목사, 대제사장 그리스도, 새 언약 백성, 약속과 변혁, Biblical Theology, Hebrews, Continuity and Discontinuity, Rev. Yonggi Cho, Christ the high-priest, New covenant people, Promise and transformation
An interpretation of the Bible for the Church: Centred on the Yongsan’s theology 교회를 위한 성서해석: 영산 신학을 중심으로
윤철원 Yoon Cheol Won
23(0) 51-79, 2011
An interpretation of the Bible for the Church: Centred on the Yongsan’s theology 교회를 위한 성서해석: 영산 신학을 중심으로
윤철원 Yoon Cheol Won
DOI: Vol.23(No.0) 51-79, 2011
The purpose of this study is to find out the characteristics of Dr. Cho, Yonggi’s interpretation of the Bible. His reading of the Bible is particularly church-oriented. Dr. Cho interprets the Bible as the Word of God for human salvation. In other words, in his many sermons and books, Dr. Cho consistently looks for the essential meaning of the Bible that God provides. To deal with this matter is the most important thing for him. Dr. Cho’s interpretation is a result of perfect reading of the Bible in this contemporary society and accurately grasps the core-values the Bible aims for. In short, his interpretation of the Bible is to apply the value that the text reveals for the present Sitz im Leben. The author of this article has discovered four dimensions of Dr. Cho’s interpretation of the Bible for the church. The-first is ‘Spiritual Theology’ as a constituting principle of the church, the second is ‘the Authority of the Bible’ as a guiding principle of the church, the third is ‘the Three-Fold blessing’ as an acting principle, and the-fourth is ‘social service/social salvation’ as a responsible principle of the church. As a result, the characteristics of Dr. Cho’s interpretation of the Bible for the church have very positive and practical merits not to produce a meaning irrelevant to the text but to understand the text rightly.
Key Words
성서해석, 성령신학, 성서의 권위, 삼중축복, 사회구원, Interpretation of the Bible, Spiritual Theology, Authority of the Bible, Three-Fold blessing, Social service/salvation
The Root of Youngsan Theology 영산 신학의 뿌리
김동수 Kim Dong Soo
23(0) 81-100, 2011
The Root of Youngsan Theology 영산 신학의 뿌리
김동수 Kim Dong Soo
DOI: Vol.23(No.0) 81-100, 2011
There have been scholarly debates concerning the root of Youngsan Theology. Is it Korean shamanism? or Is there no historical roots? or Is it complex? This essay argues that the root of Youngsan Theology is Pentecostalism. In this essay I have attempted to prove this in such subjects as follows: threefold blessings, understanding of tongues, 4th dimension, spirit-baptism, prayer, ecclesiology, and both physical and mental healing. This study will contribute to the following discussions on the root or core of Youngsan Theology.
Youngsan Yonggi Cho’s Spiritual Approach to Biblical Hermeneutics 영산 조용기 목사의 성경해석에 대한 영성적 접근
신문철 Shin Mun Chul
23(0) 101-142, 2011
Youngsan Yonggi Cho’s Spiritual Approach to Biblical Hermeneutics 영산 조용기 목사의 성경해석에 대한 영성적 접근
신문철 Shin Mun Chul
DOI: Vol.23(No.0) 101-142, 2011
This thesis attempts to take a spiritual approach to Pastor Youngsan Yonggi Cho’s biblical hermeneutics. On the basis of the fivefold gospel. threefold blessing, and the fourth dimension spirituality, Youngsan grew Yoido Full Gospel Church into the biggest church in the world. The fivefold gospel, threefold blessing, and the fourth dimensional spirituality, which forms the basis of Youngsan’s pastoral theology comes only from the bible. It is a biblical theology which has been spiritually interpreted through the Holy Spirit.
Biblical theology can summarized into two general themes. The first is the method using literal translation, which uses a historical and contextual method or a historical-critical method to find out the literal meaning of the text. The other method is the method of spiritual-allegorical. Based on the literal-historical meaning of the text, this method meditates and studies the spiritual meaning of the bible to accept the bible as the living word given to us by God.
For a long time christian spiritualists have tried to find out the hidden spiritual meanings behind the literal meaning of the text. Their intention in trying to find out the spiritual meaning was to receive the living word of God which God gave them. So many christian spiritualists engaged in prayer and word training to receive God’s spiritual interpretation behind the literal interpretations of the bible. Midrash was used by the Jews in the times of the bible. Lectio Divina is being used by the christian spiritualists. They are biblical interpretations which try to accept the bible as the living word of God.
The spiritual and allegorical approach, which is the spiritual training method that christian spiritualists have used in spiritual training, has its basis in Christian history and has interpretational usefulness. Youngsan’s theory of interpretation also shares the same characteristics with christian spirituality shown in the biblical interpretation. They both also share the same characteristic of spiritual interpretation of the bible text based on the same spiritual approach on the bible based on the spirituality of the word and prayer. Youngsan’s ‘proclaimed word’ is fundamentally similar to spiritual interpretation of the bible through Lectio Divina. This spiritual interpretation must be preceeded by the workings of the Holy Spirit. This is a change of understanding of written word to the proclaimed word. And regarding Lectio Divina it means a resurrection of the word through the Holy Spirit. This thesis will prove that Youngsan’s biblical interpretation is based on traditional interpretation of the bible, and that Youngsan’s biblical interpretation has both a historical base and interpretational usefulness.
The church should be continually renewal. Especially, the preach is the most revisable thing for the protestant church. In South Korea, most of sermons are focused on doctrinal preaching, morally preaching, and experiential preaching. Preachers try to satisfy believer’s demand and to enforce justification of Christian doctrines. The lack of Kerygmatic preaching delivers cries of Korean Church. Without Kerygma, The preaching fundamentally is not a true meaning of sermon. But the core of Youngsan’s preaching is Kerygma. Youngsan builds three-fold salvation as a central ministry philosophy, and that is the realizing of Jesus Christ’s redemption. So the power of Blood of Jesus Christ is became main topic of all preaching.
The word Evangelists is made from proclamation, that means a messenger who deliver Jesus Christ Good news. What is meaning of the gospel? That is Good news. The characteristic of Kerygmatic gospel. These are three main topics of early church preaching.
First, the massage which is proclaimed by evangelists is “The Old Testament is completed by coming of Jesus Christ.” Second, The sermon make an effort to explain his life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the worship Jesus Christ by using historical situation. Third, the preaching delivers “Be repent” and “be confessed of your sin in the Jesus Christ.” Kerygma is “the Jesus Christ who is crossed and resurrected”(1Co 1:23, 2:2-6). Kerygma proclaims Good news, gospel, action of God’s redemption which God coming from Heaven to people for a salvation.
The Youngsan’s preaching has a Kerygma. For proof that, they study about Jesus Christ as a messiah and his teaching which redeemed our sin and mental disease. And review him who resurrect, ascend to heaven and will come again by himself. Through the Youngsan’s preaching which has Kerygma, audience could be to assert their identity as having a new promise. Not only believe God who alive and cure us but also experience a kingdom of God in our present life. Final believers can be living Christians in the Jesus Christ.
Key Words
케리그마적 설교, 예수 그리스도의 보혈, 설교갱신, 설교신학, 영산의 설교, Kerygmatic Preaching, Blood of Jesus Christ, Preaching renewal, Theology of Preaching, Preaching of Youngsan
A Study on Youngsan’s Clergy and Ministry in Pastoral Ethics 목회윤리의 관점에서 본 영산의 목사직과 목회 사역
강병오 Kang Byung Oh
23(0) 171-202, 2011
A Study on Youngsan’s Clergy and Ministry in Pastoral Ethics 목회윤리의 관점에서 본 영산의 목사직과 목회 사역
강병오 Kang Byung Oh
DOI: Vol.23(No.0) 171-202, 2011
The purpose of this paper is to illuminate Youngsan’s clergy and ministry according to pastoral ethics by looking into his clergy and ministry done over 50 years in the Yoido Full Gospel Church. He is a well-known paster who is fixed on ecclesiastical boundaries all over the world, but not social influenced expecially in Korea. What’s then problems?
One first task is to explore Youngsan’s self-identity of minister. His entire life based on his personal experience filled with the Holy Spirit. Thus, his new spiritual life by the Gospel of Regeneration is able to begin with pastoral work as both true believer and true minister. Youngsan’s personality derives from a spiritual birth with the Holy Spirit. It makes a new moral life. The spiritual life and pastoral work is impossible without moral life. Youngsan emphasizes the importance of human spirits, the personal relationship of Christians with the Holy Spirit. His leadership is based on the powerful ministry of the Holy Spirit. Because it’s a charismatic leadership for church-growth, but not a moral servant-leadership.
Our second task is to ask for Youngsan’s pastoral ministry which has been based in the Holy Spirit. His ministry is a total ministry. It means ‘fivefold Gospel’ and ‘threefold blessing,’ must be controlled and led by the Holy Spirit. The ‘fivefold Gospel’ makes both the spiritual recovery of a new life and blessing of life. The threefold blessing shows us the promise of prosperity in all respects, also spirit, soul and body. The believer’s life can prosper in all respects, also spiritual, healthy, materialistic-oriented, moral fields.
Youngsan’s pastoral ministry is divided in two fields, ministry in the church(community ethics) and out the church(public ethics). The ministry in the church concerns financing from the believers, cares of colleagues -both ordained and lay- and retirement of senior minister. Youngsan kept no other options for financing ministry with a moral base than the offering, cared carefully his colleagues and retired 2008 the ministry without passing on power to his descendants. The ministry out the church concerns the social services and social behavior. Youngsan has emphasized the importance of a personal relationship with neighbors, helped for the poor, the weak in Korean society. He has taken 2004 and 2011 an action in politics through forming a Christian party. But his conservative social-behavior has been influenced negative in Korean society. Therefore, He may not be a representative leader for the social integration, only a pastoral leader in Yoido Full Gospel Church or in Korean Church.
Key Words
목회윤리, 목회자, 목회직, 사회봉사, 사회활동, Pastoral Ethics, Minister, Clergy, Social Service, Social Action
The Place of Dr. Cho Yonggi in the History of the Korean Church after the Liberation 해방 후 한국교회사와 여의도순복음교회의 조용기 목사
박명수 Park Myung Soo
23(0) 203-239, 2011
The Place of Dr. Cho Yonggi in the History of the Korean Church after the Liberation 해방 후 한국교회사와 여의도순복음교회의 조용기 목사
박명수 Park Myung Soo
DOI: Vol.23(No.0) 203-239, 2011
This article tries to describe how Dr. Cho Yonggi and his Pentecostal movement have received a central place in Korean Church history after World War II and what problems they face now. After liberation from Japanese rule, the Pentecostal Church remained among the minority groups of the Korean Church. However, Dr. Cho and his Church later became the most famous church and is regarded as the central church in Korean Christian society. Even though many Presbyterian churches, especially TongHap did not want to accept the Pentecostal church as a regular member of Korean Christianity, Dr. Cho overcame the barrier and became a key figure. How did Dr. Cho get this position among Korean churches?
The writer could explain this phenomenon in several ways. First, the fivefold gospel of Dr. Cho has been accepted by many Korean Christians of most denominations throughout the nation, and for a long time. Second, Dr. Cho has been well adjusted to the changing society of Korea, from industrialization and urbanization to a welfare society. Third, Dr. Cho has known well the influence of mass communication. He started and helped to grow a special media mission of magazine, newspaper, broadcasting and TV. Fourth, Dr. Cho became an international revivalist in the Pentecostal world and this has led to the Korean churches accepting him as an important leader in general Korean Christianity.
However, Dr. Cho and his church have confronted many problems. First, the Full Gospel church should not be led by a charismatic leader, but by a democratic leader with the common spirit of the congregation, since Dr. Cho has retired. Second, the church should develop a Pentecostal theology representing the Full Gospel faith. Third, the church should attempt to overcome secularism, such as money, reputation, and sex, which has been widely spread out in Korean society as well as in the church. Fourth, the church should try to make a balance between the identity of Pentecostal faith and its relevance to modern society. Fifth, the modern Pentecostal movement has experienced serious ethical problems so that the Pentecostal movement should emphasize again the message of holiness, which was the central theme of the early Pentecostal movement.
The Yoido Full Gospel church is currently the largest and representative church in Korea. The church should maintain its identity and resolve its problems for a great future.
Key Words
한국교회사, 조용기, 오순절 운동, 한국사회의 변화, 도시화, Korean Church History, Cho Yonggi, Pentecostal Movement, Change of Korean Society, Urbanization
Positive Counseling as the science of gratitude and Youngsan’s pastoral Paradigm 감사의 과학인 긍정심리학과 영산의 목회 신학
최광현 Choi Kwang Hyun
23(0) 241-259, 2011
Positive Counseling as the science of gratitude and Youngsan’s pastoral Paradigm 감사의 과학인 긍정심리학과 영산의 목회 신학
최광현 Choi Kwang Hyun
DOI: Vol.23(No.0) 241-259, 2011
It seems that the growing interest in associating positive psychology based on the science of gratitude has become remarkable lately. Since the founding of positive psychology by Martin Seligman in 1998s, an introduction to a new ares of psychology, positive psychologists are finding that grateful people are optimistic and energetic and better in dealing with stress and illness. Interestingly, Youngsan have preached so many sermons and written no less treaties and books directly and indirectly as to how to live positive here and hereafter. Fivefold Gospel and Threefold of Blessing and The Fourth Dimension Spirituality are focused on the true positivity of those who are spiritually and physically suffering from uncountable evils in this life.
Key Words
긍정상담, 긍정심리학, 영산, 긍정신학, 감사의 과학, Positive Counseling, Positive Psychology, Youngsan, Positive Theology, Science of gratitude