“영산 조용기 목사의 성령신학”배현성 2(0) 4-5, 2004
Dr. Yonggi Cho’s Theology of the Holy Spirit -The Relation between the Holy Spirit and the Sanctification-
A Trinitarian Pneumatology of Youngsan Yonggi Cho
A Comperative Study of the Pneumatology of and Dr. Yonggi Cho -Focused on the of the Holy Spirit in Relation to Individuals-
Dr. Yonggi Cho's Influence on the Korean Church in Relation to His Pneumatology
Dr. Yonggi Cho’s Understanding of the Holy Spirit: Centering on Fellowship with the Holy Spirit
Dr. Yonggi Cho and the Holy Spirit
영산신학저널 편집 규정한세대학교영상신학연구소 2(0) 231-234, 2004