Discerning Spirit in a Technoscientific Word: The Fourth Dimension in Dr. Cho’s Theology and Ministry 과학기술계에서의 성령님 인식: 영산의 신학 및 목회에서의 제 4차원
크리스토퍼카이저 Christopher B. Kaiser
18(0) 9-37, 2010
Discerning Spirit in a Technoscientific Word: The Fourth Dimension in Dr. Cho’s Theology and Ministry 과학기술계에서의 성령님 인식: 영산의 신학 및 목회에서의 제 4차원
크리스토퍼카이저 Christopher B. Kaiser
DOI: Vol.18(No.0) 9-37, 2010
The theme of this paper is to assess some scientific aspects of the writings of Rev. Dr. Cho Yonggi in regard to the primary problem facing the Church of Jesus Christ. The problem as I see it is this: most Christians and most ministers of the gospel that I know profess to believe in a spiritual world, but they do not live as though the spirit world was real. I say this, with great sadness, based on thirty-six years of teaching in theological institutions and in Protestant churches. In dealing with this matter, I see two principal ways in which Dr. Cho does help: (1) theologically, by developing the language of geometric dimensions to explain the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in everyday life; and (2) practically, by working closely with laypeople in relation to their secular vocations. I believe these two aspects are mutually dependent and complementary to each other: the practical aspect is an application of Dr. Cho’s theology, and the theology is based on Dr. Cho’s many years of experience in working with laypeople. In this paper I shall review these two very important aspects of Dr. Cho’s theology/ministry and suggest two ways in which they can readily be extended: (1b) by recognition of the work of the Spirit through the processes of nature and the work of scientists; and (2b) by recognition of the divine calling of professionals like scientists, engineers, and health care workers.
Key Words
영, 과학, 현실, 차원, 순리성, 의학, Spirit, Science, Reality, Dimension, Rationality, Medicine
The Fourth Dimension, the Word and the Spirit 제 4차원, 말씀과 성령님
키이스와링턴 Keith Warrignton
18(0) 39-77, 2010
The Fourth Dimension, the Word and the Spirit 제 4차원, 말씀과 성령님
키이스와링턴 Keith Warrignton
DOI: Vol.18(No.0) 39-77, 2010
The goal of this paper is to explicate the relation between the Word of and the Spirit in Dr. Yonggi Cho’s theology of the Fourth Dimension. This will substantiate Dr. Cho’s practical use balanced application of the Word and the Spirit in his ministry from a positive perspective. Moreover, in this paper, I will show the contribution of Dr. Cho’s doctrine of the Fourth Dimension to Christian theology in general, beyond Reformed theology, as well as traditional Pentecostal theology. Eventually, I will prove that the foundation of the doctrine of Fourth Dimension can be found in the relationship between the Word and the Spirit. Upon this basis, other principles of the doctrine of the Fourth Dimension, such as faith, word, dream, and thought, are related one another.
Dr. Cho encourages his readers to “Speak the Word” concluding that one’s spoken word has creative power. The power of words and self belief to bring about change (both positive and negative) to oneself is medically proven and he takes advantage of that fact to articulate a belief that one’s words can affect one’s material and spiritual resources. I will deal with this feature as it needs to be treated with care as it may be misunderstood to indicate that the sovereignty of God is being undermined.
Finally, I will work on the role of the Spirit as the Partner of the believers in daily life. Dr. Cho encourages us to be aware that the Spirit is not as silent as many may assume; on the contrary, He desires to enlighten and encounter them as they listen to him speaking to them offering unique and individual messages of hope, guidance, revelation and tuition depending on their cultural or spiritual contexts. The Spirit is more creative and flexible than many assume. This potential for partnership with the Spirit offers challenges as well as privileges. It is often easier to consult a list of rules for guidance, as contained in the Bible, than to listen to an intimate friend; the latter calls for a developing relationship with the Spirit that demands discipline and time, and a readiness to obey that which he commands. The challenge for Pentecostals is that they do not slip back into exclusively using the Bible as their only guide, forgetting that the Spirit who inspired and preceded it also speaks outside it as well as through it. I will explicate Dr. Cho’s praxis based teaching in this matter.
Key Words
말씀, 사역, 오순절, 치유, 동역, Word, Ministry, Pentecostal, Healing, Partnership
The Fourth Dimension of Youngsan: An Appraisal from a Perspective of Biblical Studies 영산의 4차원적 원리: 성서신학적 이해
김동수 Kim Dong Soo
18(0) 79-107, 2010
The Fourth Dimension of Youngsan: An Appraisal from a Perspective of Biblical Studies 영산의 4차원적 원리: 성서신학적 이해
김동수 Kim Dong Soo
DOI: Vol.18(No.0) 79-107, 2010
On of the hottest present issues on Youngsan theology is the Fourth Dimension. Many scholars have dealt the issue from various perspective. Theological, historical, and practical analyses concerning the issue have been made actively during last 5 years. Strangely enough there have been little from a perspective of biblical studies. Thus this study concerns the hot issue from a biblical perspective. This study will ask whether the theories of the Fourth Dimension have a biblical foundation or not. It will be suggested that it needs some corrections for more sound exegetical basis. Notwithstanding, if they are corrected, it will be argued that it has biblical foundation. Further, it will be suggested that it is based on Pentecostal theology.
The core of the Fourth Dimension, I believe, is the subject of the so-called ‘word and the Spirit.’ Differently from evangelicals from Reformed tradition, Youngsan understands the matter dynamically but not statically. They think that the role of the Spirit in understanding the word is mainly illumination. Thus the direction always goes to one way: from word to the Spirit. In contrast, Youngsan not only recognizes that direction but also the opposite direction, namely from the Spirit to the word. According to Youngsan the Spirit can guide the believers not with the word but by the principles of the word. This is a characteristic understanding of Pentecostal theology.
In a word, this study will argue that Pentecostal tradition is imbedded in the Fourth Dimension of Youngsan which has sound biblical and theological basis although minor exegetical corrections for more sound foundation are needed in it.
Youngsan’s the fourth dimension spirituality and some tasks for spiritual education 영산의 4차원의 영성과 영성교육적 과제
김정준 Kim Jeong Joon
18(0) 109-167, 2010
Youngsan’s the fourth dimension spirituality and some tasks for spiritual education 영산의 4차원의 영성과 영성교육적 과제
김정준 Kim Jeong Joon
DOI: Vol.18(No.0) 109-167, 2010
Historically, Most of christian leaders and theologians in the world give attention and research the pentecostal spiritual movement and its excellent leader Dr. Yonggi Cho, Youngsan and his spirituality and ministry at Yoido Full Gospel Church to the turning point of revival movement in christianity under which western church has decreased the numbers of believers and stagnated the church growth in the 20th century. The theological key word The Fourth Dimension Spirituality representatives Youngsan’s spirituality. Especially we should give attention that Youngsan’s the fourth dimension spirituality and his theology are not theoretical theology, but empirical theology through his life and ministry. Hence I try to research Youngsan’s the fourth dimension spirituality by spiritual theology with empirical method focused on his life and ministry, not theoretical theology with method traditionally. Then, How can we reconstruct Youngsan’s the fourth dimension spirituality in spiritual education with the well-known developmental psychologist ErikH. Erikson’s theory of the Eight Ages of Man in perspective. I tried to reconstruct meanings of Youngsan’s the fourth dimension spirituality related to all his life and ministry based on Erikson’s the Eight Ages theory, and I also suggested some tasks of spiritual education for future generations. Erikson payed attention that Man should achieve his developmental tasks and definite ego identity before crisis in his life cycle. In the course of life time, Man should develop his positive aspect in psychological mode related with spiritual growth and development.
It needs to understand two kinds of educational dimension for christians to form Youngsan’s the fourth dimension spirituality. One is a kind of theological dimension. First of all, it needs personally and experientially an acception of Jesus Christ as my Lord under the grace of the Holy Spirit for forming Youngsan’s the fourth dimension spirituality. Other is a kind of psychological dimension within all Younsan’s life responsed to grace of God. It means to need a experiential knowing for christian learners under the light of the Holy Spirit who want to form a Youngsan’s the fourth dimension spirituality. And the same time He who wants to form a Youngsan’s the fourth dimension spirituality should pay attention to develop their psychological positive mode in their life cycle. In Conclusion, we should remember that Youngsan’s the fourth dimension spirituality is a spiritual principle and principle of life that is made by the struggle of the soul in all Younsan’s life, and also is made by deep fellowship in a long time between Youngsan and the Holy Spirit.
Key Words
오순절 성령 운동, 영성 신학, 영산, 4차원, 영성, 교육, 성령, 원리, 에릭슨의 생애발달 8단계 이론
Pentecostal Spiritual Movement, Spiritual Theology, Youngsan, Fourth Dimension, Spirituality, Education, Holy Spirit, Principle, Erikson’s the Eight Ages Theory
The Fourth Dimensional Spirituality of Youngsan and the Revival of the Korean Church 영산의 4차원 영성과 한국교회의 부흥
남준희 Nahm Jun Hee
18(0) 169-209, 2010
The Fourth Dimensional Spirituality of Youngsan and the Revival of the Korean Church 영산의 4차원 영성과 한국교회의 부흥
남준희 Nahm Jun Hee
DOI: Vol.18(No.0) 169-209, 2010
The fourth dimensional spirituality of Youngsan has exerted a vast influence on the revival of the modern Korean church. This is a reemergence of early church’s spirituality indebted to biblical evangelism and the transcendental power of the Holy Spirit in the soil of the Korean history and culture. Thus it blew hope into the Korean society and helped the Korean church to regain vitality, imbuing it with confidence of “Can-Do Spirit” (Phil. 4:13). The burning up of the flames of revival in the Pentecostal church has caused a strong backlash of the established denominations of the Korean church. God loved the Korean church so much that He allowed it to have a great revival in spite of much pain in the Korean church, for the truth of Christ was still alive. With the passage of time the established denominations has much changed to reconsider the works of the Holy Spirit which had happened in the Pentecostal denomination. Today they show great enthusiasm, possessing a deep understanding of the works of the Holy Spirit.
In this way the fourth dimensional spirituality of Youngsan blew fresh wind into the Korean church which had been in the stagnant and sluggish state and helped it to experience the sensational growth. How could the fourth dimensional spirituality of Youngsan influence the Korean church to have a revival? It helped the Korean church to accept God’s thoughts in heart and to have a concrete dream for the revival of the church and to have optimistic faith for the building of a church. When the church confesses a positive confession with lips, God gives a great revival.
Youngsan’s fourth dimensional spirituality like this shares many characteristics with the church: universality, transcendental unity, holiness and spirituality. It has its foundation on the redemptive work of Christ on the Cross. It has proved that God is alive with divine healings through dynamic works of the Holy Spirit and through many signs and wonders. Therefore we can know this through the corroborative evidence that Yoido Full Gospel church has become the largest single church in the world. We can also know that the fourth dimensional spirituality becomes momentum for the revival of the church through the disciple churches of Youngsan in the big cities. Furthermore, it became a motive power for the development of the country in changing the corrupt and pessimistic Korean society, giving immense influence on the rapid growth of the Korean church.
In this way the fourth dimensional spirituality of Youngsan has not only renovated the Korean church and the society, but also has influenced the Korean church immensely in the aspect of the revival.
The fourth dimensional mechanism mentioned by Youngsan has been grafted on the specific situation of the Korea’s history through the orthodoxy of the Reformed church and works of the Holy Spirit of the Pentecostal church. As a principle of faith firmly based on the Bible it provides the church with vital power for ministry. Thus transcending the pessimistic and dependent Korean reality during the period of social confusion and political turbulence it made a big contribution to asserting the living God by imbuing the Korean people with hope and through divine healing and God’s empowering works.
To sum up, the fourth dimensional spirituality of Youngsan helped Yoido Full Gospel church to become the single largest church in the world and enabled many of Youngsan’s disciples who had received the training of spirituality to build big churches in the big cities and it is agreed unanimously that each one of these churches which ministered with this spirituality has experienced a great revival.
Hence, the fourth dimensional spirituality of Youngsan is rather practical than theoretical and rather pro-action than pro-thinking and as the theology of life(hope) it seems to have immeasurable value.
Therefore, it should be recognized that the fourth dimensional spirituality becomes the momentum to be used continuously for the revival of the church and every pastor who wants to have a great revival of the church should build a new milestone of the church, by accommodating the four key components such as thinking, faith, dream and words.
The Korean church should make the utmost effort to use the fourth dimensional spirituality of Youngsan both for the great revival of the church and for promoting the golden age of world mission.
The fourth dimensional spirituality of Youngsan should be used in the following way: 1) the ministry should proceed with the words of God and in the fellowship with the Holy Spirit; 2) it should be used to expand in a way to command respect from the public; 3) it should be used for the empowering mission.
In conclusion, the fourth dimensional spirituality of Youngsan should once again bring huge revival to the Korean church and accelerate evangelizing the world by supplying power to the work of evangelization to North Korea and the whole world.
The Understanding of Encounter for Young San Educational Theology 영산 교육신학을 위한‘만남’의 이해
박문옥 Park Moon Ok
18(0) 213-237, 2010
The Understanding of Encounter for Young San Educational Theology 영산 교육신학을 위한‘만남’의 이해
박문옥 Park Moon Ok
DOI: Vol.18(No.0) 213-237, 2010
Christian education can be defined to be Christian member’s endeavor to cause a significant change by the light of divine revelation to existential human beings and encourage them to participate therein. Here change of a person caused by divine revelation signifies the change which arises from the innermost part of self. While most scholars in the field of Christian education mention human change, we note two theologians who discuss change starting from the existential understanding of self. Both Lewis J. Sherrill and James E. Loder alike make a main frame of educational theology of the change of human existence.
Sherrill discuss an important idea, a change from existential self to potential self, namely becoming of being. As for Sherrill the aim of Christian education can be said to lie at the change in human existent through personal encounter with God. This is just “the becoming of being.” Unlike the change other educations seek to achieve, in such a change, God Himself taker initiative and the change in human existence purpose to become a member of God’s kingdom. But at the same time this change occur in the correlation of personalities and also in the innermost part of ego.
A human being as a self is said to possess the possibility to overcome threats which come from inside or outside. Sherrill explains this possibility through the process of encounter assuming that there are two events in encounter. One is confrontation, the event of God’s revelation which means that God comes into human existence and meets a human being; the other is encounter, namely man’s response to God’ call and in this case man takes the initiative. It is said that in the continuing process of this confrontation and encounter, human being becomes becoming and free while the possibility of creation and growth arises.
Human change mentioned by Loder happens while it undergoes five stages which start from “conflict.” Moreover, this change is accomplished through the encounter with Jesus Christ by the logic of change.
Besides, Loder understands with four dimensions the human existence where such a change happens. Genuine understanding of faith and change does not happen on the two dimensions of the lives world and the self. Genuine transformation can happen only in the encounter of four dimensions such as that of void and that of holiness.
According to Loder, when man’s vessel of ego is emptied against terror of futility of life the holiness of God visits him and he can be transformed instantly. Such moment may be called the moment of transformation when presence of God or holiness can be experienced. It is also said personal experience of conviction. Through such conviction, man may obtain supernatural perception that is beyond human understanding.
As shared above, both Sherrill and Loder are dealing with man’s transformation in the Christian education area. Within the frame of educational theology these two scholars are using different terminology. However, they hold the same view that the fundamental structure in a person’s attitude toward life itself and life style there of is changed when personal encounter with God takes plane when he suffers from confusion of insecurity, nothingness and frustration.
The aim of the Christian education is after all to help realistically Christians to mature in his faith. Therefore all educational activities in the christian education should be based upon biblical foundation.
The Bible says man was created in the image and likeness of God. It further expose the reality of fallen mankind after sin. The Word of God also declares that without a total and genuine transformation through confrontation with God, man cannot be restored to his originally created state.
The following scriptures clearly demand man’s ultimate transformation: “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3) “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.”
Without this fundamental transformation of a man, discussing about human’s infinite potentials or growth only by the help of education or progressive development is sheerly meaningless.
We may conclude that all educational activities for Christian education must be directed toward transformation through the encounter between revelation of God and man’s inner person.