The Biblical Background of Young San’s Sharing of Love and Happiness 영산의 사랑과 행복나눔에 대한 성경적 배경
이영호 Lee Young Ho
14(0) 7-40, 2008
The Biblical Background of Young San’s Sharing of Love and Happiness 영산의 사랑과 행복나눔에 대한 성경적 배경
이영호 Lee Young Ho
DOI: Vol.14(No.0) 7-40, 2008
The purpose of this thesis is to understand the biblical background behind Pastor David Cho’s sharing of love and happiness. On his 50th year of ministry, Pastor Cho expressed his future ambitions and plans to share love and happiness after his retirement.
Pastor Cho’s plan is not something impulsive or one off, but rather an insight and understanding of the bible’s teachings over his 50 years preaching the good news. Therefore, it is important to understand and analyze Pastor Cho’s plans based on the biblical background.
Hence I wanted to firstly investigate and understand the bible’s teachings on property and possessions. The bible does not express any passage in regards to property itself. This is due to the fact that possessions and properties itself does not impose a problem, but how this wealth is actually used.
The bible teaches us that we need to serve others with our possessions. This passage is something mandatory for all Christians to practice and incorporate in their lives. This is due to the fact that how you have used your wealth to serve others will be a decisive factor on how you are judged at the last day.
We are also able to see how wealth is supposed to be shared: missionary offerings, relief offerings, possessions in common, distribution to anyone as he needs, eating together, and canceling the debt, etc. These are merely practical examples as a summary of the biblical ways of sharing to the needy. Furthermore, we can learn that we have to practice them regularly with our will.
These teachings of the bible were compared to Pastor Cho’s sermons based on the New Testament, and the result was that Pastor Cho’s teachings matched those of the biblical teachings. Hence, Pastor Cho’s declaration on his dedication to sharing love and happiness gives us a reflection on the importance of this based on his 50 years of preaching.
Key Words
나눔, 재물, 소유물, 음식 나눔, 빚 탕감, 공동생활, Sharing, Property, Possessions, Distribution of food, Canceling the debt, Community life
An Understanding of Dr. Yonggi Cho’s Social Salvation: A Whole-person Counseling Perspective 영산 조용기 목사의 사회구원 이해: 전인상담 관점에서
이상복 Lee Sang Bok
14(0) 41-85, 2008
An Understanding of Dr. Yonggi Cho’s Social Salvation: A Whole-person Counseling Perspective 영산 조용기 목사의 사회구원 이해: 전인상담 관점에서
이상복 Lee Sang Bok
DOI: Vol.14(No.0) 41-85, 2008
The purpose of this paper is to delineate Dr. Yonggi Cho’s social salvation in the light of whole-person counseling perspective. Research method has been based on the meta-analysis of reviewing both Dr. Yonggi Cho’s publications and relevant scholarly articles. After reviewing selected literature, the author explicates the influence of Dr. Yonggi Cho’s theology on the doctrine of social salvation and on the whole-person counseling approach. The author explores Pauline concepts of human elements such as body, mind, spirit/soul, heart, etc., and demonstrates how these concepts can be employed in articulating biopsychosocial and spiritual model as a whole counseling approach. The author intends to conceptualize Christian social salvation in the light of Old Testament and New Testament concepts as well as of historical survey.
In the section of social salvation ministry, the author introduces (1) threefold blessing and social salvation, (2) the theology of hope, and (3) the theology of the Good God and social salvation. And the author recommends that Dr. Yonggi Cho’s theology of social salvation be positively stipulated by employing the three doctrinal concepts.
The Young San theology of social salvation is oriented toward exploring the whole-person counseling model that integrates all of biological, psychological, spiritual and social dimensions. The Young San theology of social salvation is expected to contribute to actualizing the mission of God’s love and happiness in the rapidly changing global context of the 21st century.
Key Words
사회구원, 영산신학, 전인상담, 통전적 모델, 기독교 심리신경면역학, Social salvation, Young San theology, Whole-person counseling, Holistic model, Christian psychoneuroimmunology
Yonggi Cho’s Social Salvation: A Theological Study on Sharing Happiness and Love 조용기 목사의 사회구원: 행복 나눔, 사랑 실천의 성서신학적 고찰
전용란 Jeon Yong Nan
14(0) 86-119, 2008
Yonggi Cho’s Social Salvation: A Theological Study on Sharing Happiness and Love 조용기 목사의 사회구원: 행복 나눔, 사랑 실천의 성서신학적 고찰
전용란 Jeon Yong Nan
DOI: Vol.14(No.0) 86-119, 2008
This writing attempts to find Yonggi Cho’s understanding of “true christian love and sharing happiness” reflected in his messages and writings. In the Christian tradition there has been dividing into two arguments between the claim of personal salvation and the claim of social salvation. Recently, there is an effort to integrate two poles in theology and ministry field. In this context, it is significant to see the process of the gradual change of his interest from the personal salvation to the social salvation. In his message of “sharing happiness and the practice of love” we may try to find theological elements of social salvation that ultimately embrace the world as the object of God’s love.
This writing will explore to understand his concept of salvation in relation to his theology of “threefold salvation” ―the holistic salvation. When he claims “threefold salvation” that affects to the whole area of the human life, he embraces the concerns of social salvation. His view of salvation comes from his pastoral experience and the wholistic understanding of the Gospel that considers the salvation of human being as a whole.
Yonggi Cho preaches that a meaning of being christian is to be a responsible being in society. Christians must become main figures who ultimately leads a social change because they have been transformed as the new creature, the holy people, the royal priesthood(1Pet. 2:9) by the power of the Holy Spirit. As an empowered Christian has to live the life of neighbour to share God’s love with all who are in need. Becoming neighbour is to practice love that God has given to us. This writing examines how Yonggi Cho’s understanding of sharing and the practice of Love can be a message to bring social salvation.
Key Words
사회구원, 행복 나눔, 사랑 실천, 삼중구원, 전인구원, 책임적 존재, 이웃됨, Social salvation, Sharing happiness, Practice of love, Threefold salvation, Holistic salvation, A responsible being, Becoming neighbour
Untersuchungen zur Verteilungsidee des Alten Testaments 구약성서의 나눔에 대한 이해: 법전과 지혜문학을 중심으로
채홍식 Chae Hong Sik
14(0) 120-147, 2008
Untersuchungen zur Verteilungsidee des Alten Testaments 구약성서의 나눔에 대한 이해: 법전과 지혜문학을 중심으로
채홍식 Chae Hong Sik
DOI: Vol.14(No.0) 120-147, 2008
Jesus hat über die Nächstenliebe so gesprochen: “Du sollst deinen Nächsten lieben wie dich selbst.” Die Gesetze und die Weisheit im Alten Testament sprechen vielmals über die Veiteilung und die Nächstenliebe. In diesen Untersuchungen will ich über dieses Thema sprechen.
Erstens, habe ich das Gesetzbuch untersucht. Das vierte Gebot des Dekalogs und der Schutz der sozialen Schwachen(Ex 22,20-26) und das Sabbatjahr(Ex 23,10-12) im Bundesbuch und die Texte der Nächstenliebe und das Sabbat- und Jobeljahr im Heiligkeitsgesetz habe ich untersucht. Im Deuteronomium spricht über die Zehnten, die jedes 3 Jahr fur die Hilfebedürftigen verteilt werden sollen. Die Gesetze für das Erlassjahr und für die sozialen Schwache sprechen soziale Gerechtigkeit.
Zweitens, habe ich in der Weisheitliteratur für dieses Thema untersucht. Die Veiteilungsidee und die soziale Gerechtigkeit spricht nicht nur alten israelitischen Weisheitsliteratur, sondern auch die ägyptischen und die mesopotamischen Weisheitliteratur.
Drittens, Ich habe Pfarrer Cho’s Ministrie untersucht. Er will im Jahr 2009 in Pyongyang ein Herzhospital eröffnen für die Landsleute. Ausserdem hat seine Kirche viele Leute geholfen, die aus Nordkorea geflogen sind. Er hat die Nächstenliebe uns gezeigt durch seine Ministrie. Der echte Glaube kommt von der Aktion der Nächstenliebe.
Key Words
나눔, 정의와 공의, 이웃사랑, Verteilung, Recht und Gerechtigkeit, Nächstenliebe
Ein Dialog mit dem diakonischen Denken von Dr. Yonggi Cho 영산 조용기 목사의 사회봉사(Diakonie): 영산의 교회의 나눔과 사랑의 실천에 대한 이해에 관한 연구
최광현 Choi Kwang Hyun
14(0) 148-171, 2008
Ein Dialog mit dem diakonischen Denken von Dr. Yonggi Cho 영산 조용기 목사의 사회봉사(Diakonie): 영산의 교회의 나눔과 사랑의 실천에 대한 이해에 관한 연구
최광현 Choi Kwang Hyun
DOI: Vol.14(No.0) 148-171, 2008
Diakonie ist wie Seelsorge eine Dimension kirchlichen Handlung, also mehr als ein spezielles Handlungsfeld. Allgemeine Diakonie ist eine Zielvorstellung, nicht eine Beschreibung des Zustands kirchlichen Lebens. Diakonie ist ein Kriterium, mit dem die Kirche ihr Tun und Lassen auf allen Handlungsfeldern ständig selbstkritisch zu überprüfen hat. Dabei geht es um praktische Dinge.
In der Krise der koreanischen Gemeinde hat in der gegenwärtigen geschichtlichen Situation dieser Erde eine ganz neue Dringlichkeit gewonnen, die Botschaft des Evangeliums von Jesus Christus und der Auftrag der ökumenischen Christenheit, diese Evangelium zu bezeugen. Young San hat das in seinen jüngsten Büchern zu Recht nachdrücklich betont. In dem theologischen Denken von Dr. Yonggi Cho ist wichtig die Diakonie.
Key Words
영산, 사회봉사(디아코니), 한국 사회의 위기, Young San, Diakonie, die Krise der koreanischen Gemeinde
Youngsan Rev. Yonggi Cho and the Kingdom of God 영산 조용기 목사와 하나님의 나라
최문홍 Choi Mun Hong
14(0) 172-205, 2008
Youngsan Rev. Yonggi Cho and the Kingdom of God 영산 조용기 목사와 하나님의 나라
최문홍 Choi Mun Hong
DOI: Vol.14(No.0) 172-205, 2008
This study attempts to explore Rev. Yonggi Cho’s understanding of the Kingdom of God. Youngsan and the Kingdom of God are inseparable during fifty years of his ministry. This study is concerned with what aspect of Youngsan’s understanding of the Kingdom of God has affected the tremendous growth of Yoido Full Gospel Church. The thesis of this study is that Youngsan’s emphasis on a present aspect of the Kingdom has basically contributed to such growth.
For him, the Kingdom of God, first of all, comes in the heart of believers, who become the people of the Kingdom of God. They can enjoy naturally the fruits of the Kingdom of God, which is “Fivefold Gospel” and “Threefold Blessing”. According to Youngsan, this is possible by “Fourth Dimension”. As such, the major elements of Youngsan’s theology are meaningfully connected to his understanding of the Kingdom of God.
Key Words
영산, 하나님의 나라, 현재성, Youngsan, Kingdom of God, A Present Aspect