영산신학저널 제11호 권두언김판호 11(0) 4-5, 2007
Das Menschenbild des christlichen Glaubens: Ein Dialog mit dem theologischen Denken von Pastor Dr. Yonggi Cho
The Theological Anthropology of David Yonggi Cho: Implications for the Translation of the New Testament
Pastor Dr. Yonggi Cho’s Theological-ethic Antropology
Methodology and Characteristics of Young San’s Theology
Young San’s Understanding of Human Being: Absolutey Hopeless Human Being and Young San’s Pastoral Care
The Concept of Human Spirit and Soul in Young San’s Anthropology
The Anthropology of Young San’s Threefold Blessing Theology: The Understanding of Old Testament Theology
Positive Power of Dr. Cho’s Pastoral Paradigm and Positive Counseling
영산신학저널 통권 11호 영산신학저널 논문 목록 (통권 1~10호)영산신학저널 11(0) 235-241, 2007