시대의 아픔과 필요를 채우는 신학김성혜 1(0) 4-5, 2004
영혼들의 길라잡이가 되기를유재필 1(0) 6-7, 2004
건강한 신학이 건강한 교회를 이끌어배현성 1(0) 8-9, 2004
Yonggi Cho’s Theology of the Fullness of the Spirit: A Pentecostal Perspective
The Theology of Holy Spirit of Rev. Yonggi Cho and the Korean Church -An Historical Approach-
Doctrine of the Holy Spirit Understood by Dr. Yonggi Cho
An analysis of Young San’s Theology of the Holy Spirit -Based on Acts Ch. 8-
A Theological Study of Dr. Yonggi Cho’s Pneumatology
Young San’s Understanding of Glossolalia
영산신학저널 편집 규정한세대학교영상신학연구소 1(0) 192-195, 2004